The code used on this repo was developed to classify linearly separable data.
The data used for this code comes from the Iris dataset. This dataset can be accessed clicking in the following link: Iris Data Set
The attributes on this dataset are the measurements of the width and length of the petals and sepals of different types of iris flowers. There are four features of float data.
- Class 1 : Iris Setosa
- Class 2 : Iris Versicolor
- Class 3 : Iris Virginica
LOAD AND VISUALIZE THE RAW DATALoad the datasetVisualize the data
DATA PREPROCESSINGSplit data into training and testing sets
MODEL ARCHITECTUREDefine network parametersDefine network structureExecute the modelVisualize model improvementsVisualize confusion matrixAdd epoch configuration
OTHERS [OPTIONAL]Update README filePlot the resulting regression model