- Use this git template when you create a new project like this
- public repo
- With all branches
- Add your chart under the charts folder and update README.md
- Push changes to main
How to install:
export CHART_NAME=coturn
export CHART_REPO_NAME=coturn-chart
helm repo add $CHART_REPO_NAME https://iits-consulting.github.io/$CHART_REPO_NAME/
helm search repo $CHART_NAME
Any helm chart provided by iits-consulting needs to adhere to the following acceptance criteria:
- The README.md has to contain a description about the chart
- Enable custom annotations in values.yaml
- Define common labels for better separation of concerns
- Configuration changes have to cause a pod restart
- Whenever possible, sensitive information should be injected by something like a mutating webhook rather than be part of your chart
- Container health checks need to be present
- Use subcharts to manage dependencies whenever possible
- Document every values.yaml variable that is meant to be adjusted
- Specify a license
- Provide a default .helmignore
- HorizontalPodAutoscaler should be present
- Have a NOTES.txt that provides information about the deployment