Version Support
Laravel >= 6.0
PHP >= 7.3.0
This package provides an easy way to get details from the Steam API service. The services it can access are:
Begin by installing this package with composer.
"require": {
"syntax/steam-api": "2.3.*"
Next, update composer from the terminal.
composer update syntax/steam-api
Alternately, you can run "composer require syntax/steam-api:dev-master" from the command line.
Lastly, publish the config file. You can get your API key from Steam.
php artisan vendor:publish
Each service from the Steam API has its own methods you can use.
These are methods that are available to each service.
This will convert the given steam ID to each type of steam ID (64 bit, 32 bit and steam ID3).
Name | Type | Description | Required | Default |
id | string | The id you want to convert | Yes | |
format | string | The format you want back. | No | null |
Possible formats are ID64, id64, 64, ID32, id32, 32, ID3, id3 and 3.
Steam::convertId($id, $format);
Example Output: convertId
The Steam News web api is used to get articles for games.
This method will get the news articles for a given app ID. It has three parameters.
Name | Type | Description | Required | Default |
appId | int | The id for the app you want news on | Yes | |
count | int | The number of news items to return | No | 5 |
maxlength | int | The maximum number of characters to return | No | null |
$news = Steam::news()->GetNewsForApp($appId, 5, 500)->newsitems;
Example Output: GetNewsForApp
The Player Service is used to get details on players.
When instantiating the player class, you are required to pass a steamId or Steam community ID.
This method will return the level of the Steam user given. It simply returns the integer of their current level.
Example Output: GetSteamLevel
This will return a Syntax\Containers\Player_Level object with full details for the players level.
Example Output: GetPlayerLevelDetails
This call will give you a list of the badges that the player currently has. There is currently no schema for badges, so all you will get is the ID and details.
Example Output: GetBadges
GetOwnedGames returns a list of games a player owns along with some playtime information, if the profile is publicly visible. Private, friends-only, and other privacy settings are not supported unless you are asking for your own personal details (i.e. the WebAPI key you are using is linked to the steamID you are requesting).
Name | Type | Description | Required | Default |
includeAppInfo | boolean | Whether or not to include game details | No | true |
includePlayedFreeGames | boolean | Whether or not to include free games | No | false |
appIdsFilter | array | An array of appIds. These will be the only ones returned if the user has them | No | array() |
Example Output: GetOwnedGames
GetRecentlyPlayedGames returns a list of games a player has played in the last two weeks, if the profile is publicly visible. Private, friends-only, and other privacy settings are not supported unless you are asking for your own personal details (i.e. the WebAPI key you are using is linked to the steamID you are requesting).
Name | Type | Description | Required | Default |
count | int | The number of games to return | No | null |
Example Output: GetRecentlyPlayedGames
IsPlayingSharedGame returns the original owner's SteamID if a borrowing account is currently playing this game. If the game is not borrowed or the borrower currently doesn't play this game, the result is always 0.
Name | Type | Description | Required | Default |
appId | int | The game to check for | Yes |
Example Output: IsPlayingSharedGame
The User WebAPI call is used to get details about the user specifically.
When instantiating the user class, you are required to pass at least one steamId or steam community ID.
This will return details on the user from their display name.
Name | Type | Description | Required | Default |
displayName | string | The display name to get the steam ID for. In it would be gabelogannewell . |
Yes | NULL |
$player = Steam::user($steamId)->ResolveVanityURL('gabelogannewell');
Example Output: ResolveVanityURL
This will return details on one or more users.
Name | Type | Description | Required | Default |
steamId | int[] | An array of (or singular) steam ID(s) to get details for | No | Steam ID passed to user() |
// One user
$steamId = 76561197960287930;
$player = Steam::user($steamId)->GetPlayerSummaries()[0];
// Several users
$steamIds = [76561197960287930, 76561197968575517]
$players = Steam::user($steamIds)->GetPlayerSummaries();
Example Output: GetPlayerSummaries
Returns the friend list of any Steam user, provided his Steam Community profile visibility is set to "Public".
Name | Type | Description | Required | Default |
relationship | string (all or friend) | The type of friends to get | No | all |
summaries | bool (true or false) | To return the friend player summaries, or only steamIds | No | true |
Once the list of friends is gathered, if summaries
is not set to false
; it is passed through GetPlayerSummaries. This allows you to get back a collection of Player objects.
Example Output: GetFriendList
Returns the possible bans placed on the provided steam ID(s).
Name | Type | Description | Required | Default |
steamId | int[] | An array of (or singular) steam id(s) to get details for | No | Steam id passed to user() |
Example Output: GetPlayerBans
The User Stats WebAPI call is used to get details about a user's gaming.
When instantiating the user stats class, you are required to pass a steamID or Steam community ID.
Returns a list of achievements for this user by app ID.
Name | Type | Description | Required | Default |
appId | int | The id of the game you want the user's achievements in | Yes |
Example Output: GetPlayerAchievements
This method will return a list of all achievements for the specified game and the percentage of all users that have unlocked each achievement.
Name | Type | Description | Required | Default |
appId | int | The ID of the game you want the user's achievements in | Yes |
Example Output: GetGlobalAchievementPercentagesForApp
Returns a list of achievements for this user by app ID.
Name | Type | Description | Required | Default |
appId | int | The ID of the game you want the user's achievements in | Yes | |
all | boolean | If you want all stats and not just the achievements set to true. | No | FALSE |
Example Output: GetUserStatsForGame | GetUserStatsForGame (all)
Returns a list of game details, including achievements and stats.
Name | Type | Description | Required | Default |
appId | int | The ID of the game you want the details for. | Yes |
Example Output: GetSchemaForGame
This area will get details for games.
This gets all the details for a game. This is most of the information from the store page of a game.
Name | Type | Description | Required | Default |
appIds | int[] | The ids of the games you want details for | Yes | |
cc | string | The cc is the country code, you can get appropriate currency values according to ISO 3166-1 | No | |
l | string | The l is the language parameter, you can get the appropriate language according to ISO 639-1 | No |
Example Output: appDetails
This method will return an array of app objects directly from Steam. It includes the appID and the app name.
Example Output: GetAppList
This method will get details for packages.
This gets all the details for a package. This is most of the information from the store page of a package.
Name | Type | Description | Required | Default |
packIds | int[] | The ids of the packages you want details for | Yes | |
cc | string | The cc is the country code, you can get appropriate currency values according to ISO 3166-1 | No | |
l | string | The l is the language parameter, you can get the appropriate language according to ISO 639-1 (If there is one) | No |
Example Output: packageDetails
This method will get user inventory for item.
This gets all the item for a user inventory.
Name | Type | Description | Required | Default |
appId | int | The appid of the game you want for | Yes | |
steamid | int | The steamid of the Steam user you want for | Yes |
, 570
, 620
, 730
, 205790
, 221540
, 238460
Example Output: GetPlayerItems
This service is used to get details on a Steam group.
This method will get the details for a group.
Name | Type | Description | Required | Default |
group | string or int | The ID or the name of the group. | Yes |
$news = Steam::group()->GetGroupSummary('Valve');
Example Output: GetGroupSummary
A Steam API key must be provided or most tests will fail.
Run Tests
# Install dependancies
docker-compose run php composer install
# Run tests (assumes apiKey is set in .env file)
docker-compose run php composer test
# Or with the apiKey inline
docker-compose run -e api=YOUR_STEAM_API_KEY php composer test
# With coverage
docker-compose run php composer coverage
# Play around
docker-compose run php bash