Releases: imnotril/fall-syntax-sublime-text
Fall syntax theme for Sublime
You can install it using sublime Package manager as Fall syntax Colorscheme
Ctrl + Shift + P
and type "Package Control: Install Package", then type again "Fall syntax Colorscheme"
Or you can install it manually
After download just go to Preferences > Browse packages and create a directory with the file fall-syntax.tmTheme
If you don't know how to activate it either, just press Ctrl + Shift + P
and type "Select color scheme", then choose the Fall syntax color scheme
> v1.1.0
Fix for punctuation scope
Fix for punctuation color
Minor fixes for acurracy (invisibles, guide colors)
> v1.1.1
Fixed ocapacity for select and guide
> v1.1.2
Fixed color bug in some comment characters
Fall syntax theme for Sublime
After download just go to Preferences > Browse packages and create a directory with the file fall-syntax.tmTheme
If you don't know how to activate it either, just press Ctrl + Shift + P
and type "Select color scheme", then choose the Fall syntax color scheme
> v1.1.0
Fix for punctuation scope
Fix for punctuation color
Minor fixes for acurracy (invisibles, guide colors)
> v1.1.1
Fixed ocapacity for select and guide
This color scheme has been published in the Sublime text package manager, it is pending review and may take time or even be rejected, if it has already been merged and I have not updated the README, please open an issue.
Fall syntax theme for Sublime
After download just go to Preferences > Browse packages and create a directory with the file fall-syntax.tmTheme
If you don't know how to activate it either, just press Ctrl + Shift + P
and type "Select color scheme", then choose the Fall syntax color scheme
v1.0.0 -> v1.1.0
Fix for punctuation scope
Fix for punctuation color
Minor fixes for acurracy (invisibles, guide colors)
This color scheme has been published in the Sublime text package manager, it is pending review and may take time or even be rejected, if it has already been merged and I have not updated the README, please open an issue.
Fall syntax theme for Sublime
After download just go to Preferences > Browse packages and create a directory with the file fall-syntax.tmTheme
If you don't know how to activate it either, just press Ctrl + Shift + P
and type "Select color scheme", then choose the Fall syntax color scheme