Use this project if you face issues like: Bangla not showing properly in an Android view (Complex conjugates/juktoborno breaks down)
This code can show both Bangla and English in same view.
#How To Use Download from following link:
It contains: 1.BanglaConverter.jar 2.fonts
Add the fonts folder in your project's assets folder. Add BanglaConverter.jar in your project's libs folder. Add this jar to your project's build path.
Code Sample: Say banglaPreviewView is the TextView where you want to show Bangla and textToShow is the String to show. Then:
TextView banglaPreviewView = (TextView) findViewById(;
banglaPreviewView .setTypeface(Typeface.createFromAsset(getApplicationContext().getAssets(),
String textToShow = "বাংলা English Text";
String convertedText = BanglaRenderer.convert(textToShow);
banglaPreviewView .setText(convertedText);