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SadServers is a SaaS where users can test their Linux troubleshooting skills on real Linux servers in a "Capture the Flag" fashion.

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Table of Contents:


SadServers is a SaaS where users can test their Linux (Docker, Kubernetes...)troubleshooting skills on real Linux servers in a "Capture the Flag" fashion.

There's a collection of scenarios, a description of what's wrong and a test to check if the issue has been solved. The servers are spun up on the spot, users get an "SSH" shell via a browser window to an ephemeral server (destroyed after the allotted time for solving the challenge) and then they can try and solve the problem.

Problems include common software that run on Linux, like databases or web servers although knowledge of the details for the specific application is not necessarily required. It also includes scenarios where you do need to be familiar with the technology with the issue, for example, a Docker scenario. The scenarios are for the most part real-world ones, as in they are similar to issues that we have encountered.

SadServers is aimed primarily at users that are professional Software Developers (possibly), System Administrators, DevOps engineers, SREs, and related positions that require server debugging and troubleshooting skills.

Particularly SadServers wants to test these professionals (or people aspiring to these jobs) in a way that would be useful for the purpose of a troubleshooting part of a job interview.


To scratch a personal itch and because there's nothing like this that I'm aware of. There are/were some sandbox solutions like Katacoda (shut down in May 2022) but nothing that gives you a specific problem with a condition of victory on a real server.

It's also my not-so-secret hope that a sophisticated enough version of SadServers could be used by tech companies (or for companies that carry on job interviews on their behalf) to automate or facilitate the Linux troubleshooting interview section.

An annoyance I found during my interviews is that sometimes instead of helping, the interviewer unintentionally misleads you, or you feel like you are in a tv game where you have to maximize for some arbitrary points and come up with an game strategy that doesn't reflect real incident situations (do I try to keep solving this problem or do I move to the next one, which one is better?).

How does it look?



See diagram:


Users interact via HTTPS only with a web server and a proxy server connecting to the scenario VMs. The rest of the communications are internal between VPCs or AWS services. Each scenario VM resides in a VPC with no Internet-facing incoming access and limited egress access.

Web server

The website is powered by Django and Python3, with Bootstrap and plain Javascript at the front.

In front of Django there's an Nginx server and Gunicorn WSGI server. The SSL certificate is generously provided by Let's Encrypt and its certbot, the best thing to happen to the Internet since Mosaic.

Task Queue

New server requests are queued and processed in the background. On the front-end I'm using Celery Progress Bar for Django. The tasks are managed asynchronously by Celery with a RabbitMQ back-end and with task results saved to the main database (and yes, maybe there should be a simpler but still robust stack instead of this).

Instances are requested on AWS using Boto3, based on scenario images. A Celery beat scheduler checks for expired instances and kills them.

Permanent Storage

A PostgreSQL database is the permanent storage backend, the first choice for RDBMS. SQLite is a valid alternative for sites without a high rate of (concurrent) writes.

Proxy Server

In the initial proof of concept, I had the users connect to the VMs public IP directly. For security reasons like terminating SSL, being able to use rate limiting, logging access and specially having the VMs with private IPs only, it's a good idea to route access to the scenario instances through a reverse web proxy server.

Since the scenario instances are created on demand (at least some of them), I needed a way to dynamically inject in the web server configuration the route mappings, ie, using code against an API to configure the web server and reloading it. The configuration for proxying a VM would be like -> (proxy passes to upstream server) -> VM ip address:port . (Using a path string is an option, other options could be passing a ...?parameter in the URL or in the HTTP headers).

This was an interesting learning experience since unlike the rest of the stack I've never had this situation before. After considering some alternatives, I almost made it work with Traefik but I hit a wall, and at the end it didn't seem to be a good solution for this case. A friend of mine suggested to use Hashicorp Consul, where the Django server connects to and writes to its key/value store, and Consul-template, which monitors Consul and writes the key/values (string and IP) into the Nginx configuration (which does the actual SSL and proxying) and reloads it. After figuring out production settings (certificates, tokens) it turned out to work very well.

Scenario Instances

On the VM instances, Gotty provides a terminal with a shell as HTTP(S). An agent built with Golang and Gin provides a rest API to the main server, so solutions can be checked and commands can be sent to the scenario instance or data extracted from it.

Replay System

For the Linux World Cup I wanted to have a way to record the user command line sessions and be able to show them publicly. I mean, what good is a World Cup or any competition if people cannot see what the participants are doing?

I looked at several options and ended up implementing asciinema which does the heavy lifting. You can see the results at

Asciinema supports AWS S3 as a backend storage, but I decided that a better option for my case is to have S3 in front of the asciinema server, in part due to security and also because it gives me more control. The implementation of this "S3" is done with Minio in a self-hosted server.



The workflow is as follows:

  1. The user (cloud icon) goes to and creates an AWS instance VM.
  2. The VM offers a shell-like web interface using Gotty (traffic goes through a proxy not shown here). Gotty calls Bash as login, which calls /etc/profile and in there I call asciinema record to a file (with a conditional test so it doesn't create an infinite loop).
  3. A Minio client mc periodically ships the cast file (up to a size) to the Minio storage server (Minio has an mc mirror option to constantly sync file changes but it didn't work for me). If the user does a shutdown, using systemd I'm able to synchronize the last command changes and send them. There's also a maximum file size limit in the storage server.
  4. When the VM is destroyed, the web server sends a request to the storage server, where an agent I wrote:
  5. uploads the cast file to the asciinema server (replay server) and
  6. returns the URL in the replay server to the web server so it's saved to the database and shown in the user's dashboard as a link to the replay server for the scenario they tried.
  7. The user (or anyone, it's public) can see their session replay.

In the call to the agent (step 4), I can decide via a database flag for the scenario if I want to upload the screencast from the storage server to the public replay server. This allows me the control to decide if some scenarios have their sessions made public or not, while still retaining in the storage server all the casts.

This feature was used in the Linux World Cup for example, where I wanted to show everyone how people solved (or tried to solve) the challenges but I didn't want the sessions to be public until the event was over.

Other Infrastructure & Services

Without a lot of detail, there's quite a bit of auxiliary services needed to run a public service in a decent "production-ready" state. This includes notification services (AWS SES for email for example), logging service, external uptime monitoring service, scheduled backups, error logging (like Sentry), infrastructure as code (Hashicorp Terraform and Packer).

Site Priorities

There are two main objectives: 1) to provide a good user experience with value and 2) security.

User Experience

Not a UX expert as anyone can see but just trying to make it as simple and less confusing as possible. Like Seth Godin says in The Big Red Fez, "show me the banana" (make evident where to click). The "happy paths" are so far one or two clicks away.


Security starts with threat modeling, which is a fancy way of saying "think what can go terribly wrong and what's most likely to go wrong". (Sidebar: Infosec is full of these big fancy expressions like "blast radius", "attack vector", "attack surface" or my favourite one "non-zero"; except if ending the sentence you can just omit it, try it with "there's a non-zero chance of blah").

For this project I see two types issues that adversarial ("bad hacker") agents could possibly inflict, focusing first on financial incentives and then on assholery ones:

  • Monetary-based: there are free computing resources, so they could try and use for things like mining crypto or as a platform to launch malware or spam attacks (at an ISP I worked for, frequently a VM maxing out CPU was a compromised one sending spam or malware).
  • Monetary-based: AWS account credentials need to be managed for the queuing service that calls the AWS API. If these credentials are compromised, then I could be stuck with a big AWS bill.
  • Nastiness-based: general attacks like DoS on public endpoints from the outside or internal or "sibling" attacks from scenario VMs to other VMs.


An incomplete list of things to do in general or that I've done in this case:

  • (Principle of least privilege) create a cloud account with permissions just to perform what you need. In my case, to be able to only create ec2 nodes, of a specific type(s) in specific subnets. Given the type of instance (nano, also using "spot" ones) and size of subnet(s) and therefore VMs, there's a known cap on the maximum expense that this account could incur during a period of time.
  • Monitor all the things and alert. Budgets and threshold alerts in your cloud provider are a way to detect anomaly costs.
  • Access and application logs are also helpful in detecting malicious behaviour.
  • In my case, instances spun normally from the website are garbage-collected after 15-45 minutes and are not powerful, so it's a disincentive for running malicious or opportunistic programs on them.
  • Scenario VMs are isolated within their VPC. The only ingress network traffic allowed is from the web server to the agent and from the proxy server to the shell-to-web tool. The only egress traffic allowed is ICMP and indirectly (via a local name server), DNS. This eliminates in principle the risk of these instances being used to launch attacks on other servers in the Internet.
  • From the outside Internet there's only network access to an HTTPS port on both web server and proxy server, also there are automatic rate-limiting measures at these public entry points.


This project may become Open Source at some point but for now the code is not publicly available. One reason is that showing the solution to the scenarios defeats the purpose and another reason is to expose details of how things are set up for security reasons. I'll be happy to chat about technical aspects of the project if someone is curious.


  • Opening a new scenario while one is ongoing will invalidate the session of the first one. Clues are based on sessions so the clues displayed will be that of the latest session, which will be incorrect for previous scenarios.
  • Sometimes the "Check My Solution" button won't work properly. One cause of this is refreshing the scenario screen (navigation in this screen without using the buttons/links provided like refreshing or going back is problematic).
  • There are scenario issues, the most common ones are: not very clear wording of the problem statement and the solution checker giving false negatives. Please give me feedback so I can improve them.


  • Save & replay user command history. DONE (with some limitations like replay file size, see Replay Server )
  • Instances with public IPs where the user's public SSH key is added so they can use any SSH client. DONE for selected users.
  • Code to run competitions DONE for the Linux World Cup
  • Guided scenarios with stop-and-resume VMs. DONE
  • User comment system.
  • Multi-VM scenarios.
  • OS package repository cache/proxy server.
  • A system for users to upload their scenarios.
  • Translation of texts to multiple languages.
  • Guided learning system.
  • Look into WebAssembly (WASM) so users can run (some) scenarios in the browser.
  • Look into alternative hosting methods:


I'm not looking for web development ( front-end and back-end) help at the moment. The biggest help I'll appreciate is:

  • Feedback on the scenarios and general website user experience.
  • Creation of scenarios.

If you want to create a scenario, these are the requirements:

  • A clear (not ambiguous) problem statement, ideally one that can be shown with a command or combination of commands.
  • (Optionally but very desirable): a clear pass/fail test for the user that they can run in the form of a command or commands and therefore it can be checked with a Bash script, i. e., if we run a script, it will always return a binary result (strings "OK" and "NO" for example).
    • This script has to be accessible by the user (they can actually run it to verify their work), so the solution should not be given away in this script. For example, if the problem is about a process that needs to be killed, if we check in the script by testing for example ps au|grep rogue, then we are revealing the name of the process.
  • For scenarios where a good check script is not possible, there's an option in the system to just not use the "Check solution" option for a scenario.
  • A description of one solution to the problem, favoring simple and "production" ones. Solutions in general should be self-contained to the Linux server in the scenario, i.e, it shouldn't require users to copy information out to their laptop/workstations and work on the solution there.
  • An automated way to create the problem. This is, a script and other files that will set up the problem fully on a non-licenced Linux distribution available in AWS. An Ansible playbook and auxiliary files would be ideal. See examples in scenarios.
  • The scenario can run on an AWS instance, ideally a t3a.nano one (0.5 GiB). Unless the scenario is specific to a Linux distro, I favour recent official AWS Debian AMIs.
  • Optionally, a set of clues or tips that will increasingly get the user closer to the solution.
  • Other:
    • I'm using ports :8080 and :6767 for the shell-to-web and agent, so don't try and run services on those ports.
    • Currently only supporting one VM scenarios and not multiple VM scenarios.
    • VMs should be fully self-contained and not need the Internet for anything, ie, the user wouldn't need to initiate connections from the scenario VM to the Internet save for ICMP (ping) and DNS traffic. A possible exception would be access to an OS package repository proxy.
    • The scenario VM needs to survive a reboot, as in the problem still works.




Any feedback is appreciated, please email [email protected]

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  • HCL 76.4%
  • Shell 11.9%
  • Python 11.7%