An WIP API Client for controlling Tuya products, heavily inspired by tuyapy.
From my understanding the API that this library uses is no longer supported and as such you'll have better luck leveraging a package such as:
- Switch devices
composer require inverse/tuya-client
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use Inverse\TuyaClient\Session;
use Inverse\TuyaClient\ApiClient;
use Inverse\TuyaClient\Device\SwitchDevice;
use Inverse\TuyaClient\BizType;
// Setup credentials
$username = getenv('TUYA_USERNAME');
$password = getenv('TUYA_PASSWORD');
$countryCode = getenv('TUYA_COUNTRYCODE');
$bizType = new BizType(BizType::TUYA);
// Make client
$session = new Session($username, $password, $countryCode, $bizType);
$apiClient = new ApiClient($session);
// Get all devices
$devices = $apiClient->discoverDevices();
// Switch on all switches
foreach ($devices as $device) {
if ($device instanceOf SwitchDevice) {
if (!$device->isOn()) {
Copy phpunit.xml.dist
to phpunit.xml
and replace the server variables with your credentials.