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My device is not recognised

asgothian edited this page Feb 15, 2021 · 6 revisions

How to deal with devices which are not recognised (correctly)

You have a device which is not recognised correctly by the Adapter. This could mean that it generates no states at all, and a 'device not supported' error message is available in the ioBroker log file. Alternatively, the device may lack certain expected states or offer states which are not filled with values or do not generate any change at the device when changed.

Basically - the device is recognised by zigbee but does not function as expected.

At this point, you need to find answers to a few questions.

Information gathering

First and foremost: Is this device supported by the zigbee-herdsman-converters library. If it is not supported, it will not be available to control in this adapter either. The library is linked to the zigbee2mqtt project which holds an up to date list of devices which are supported together with their characteristic on their web page.

Any device which is not explicitly listed on this page will most likely not be supported. There are some cases of whitelabeled devices which will be supported despite not being listed separately, but this is a hit or miss scenario.

The second question is not as simple to answer - when was the support introduced, and which version of the library is needed to support this device. This information is of interest as the adapter will always be a few version numbers below the latest zigbee-herdsman-converters version, due to the risk changes in the library breaking adapter functionality. Unfortunately, there is no easy way to determine this.

Next on the list is the Adapter version you are currently running. As long as you are running the current stable release version, a delay of 4 to 8 weeks between release of support for a new device in the zigbee-herdsman-converters library and the zigbee adapter is to be expected. If you are running the current latest version, this delay will be shortened to 1 to 4 weeks. The shortest delay (sometimes less than a week) can be achieved by running the current developer version from GitHub. This option includes the risk of bugs / odd behaviour as this version is under development, and while the developers work hard to not introduce any bugs some still find their way into the code at some time. In addition to that, you will also be treated to new experimental features which may or may not find their way into the latest version.


Once you have determined the current situation, 4 options remain:

  1. the device is supported in a newer version of the iobroker.zigbee adapter. In this case, you can install said version and use the device
  2. the device is supported by the zigbee-herdsman-converters library but not by any installable iobroker.zigbee adapter. This leaves you with a choice of either patching the version you have / want to install or waiting for the developers to make the step to the newer herdsman library.
  3. the device is not supported. Again you have 2 options: Either find someone to implement the device for you or attempt to implement the device support yourself. For the latter case, please refer to this document.
  4. the device is supported in general but it is lacking features or there are bugs with the support. There is no cookie cutter response for this case, so i would advice to open an issue on the adapter to get this situation resolved.

Cheat sheet

Entry Source Value
Device supported in zigbee2mqtt (and with that in the zigbee-herdsman-converters) zigbee2mqtt
Current Stable Version ioBroker Website
Current Latest Version ioBroker Website
Current Github Version package.json - version entry
Installed Version ioBroker Admin
Herdsman-Converters Version used package.json - zigbee-herdsman-converters entry
Latest Herdsman Version zigbee-herdsman-converters GitHub - version entry

How to use the cheat sheet

Go through the list below. Stop if the device is recognised and works or if the list tells you to.

  • Before attempting anything, fill in the current values
  • Check 1: Is the device supported ? Yes => continue. No => Decide - do i want to put work into it, follow this document.
  • Check 2: Am i running the current Stable version or newer ? Yes => continue. No => Install current Stable version. Continue if the device is not recognised
  • Check 3: Am i running the current Latest version or newer ? Yes => continue. No => Install current Latest version. Continue if the device is not recognised
  • Check 4: Am i running the current GitHub version or newer ? Yes => continue. No => Decide: Am i willing to beta-test the GitHub version ? If not, stop here. Else install current Stable version. Continue if the device is not recognised
  • Check 5: Is the latest Herdsman Version used by the zigbee Adapter ? if not: wait. It may take a few days before the latest version is used.
  • If you reach here and the device is not recognised (does not provide any states), decide: Do i want to put work into it, follow this document.
  • If you reach here and the device is recognised but does not work as expected, open an issue to discuss the situation.