Entry 1: Hello guys, I modified Henry's generic insert function to work with prepare statements, everything else is left the same other than functions.php
, agentClass.php
and agent.php
- empty input field for table name as discussed with Henry
- added three new functions
- updated agent insert to generic insert as discussed with Henry
- incorporated prepare statements
Original form validate function has been deprecated, please use the the new generic from
, add the following to the bottom of your<body>
print("<script src=\"$_root/scripts/checkFormInputEmpty.js\"></script>");
To call the function
insertIntoDB(PHP Data Object, Database Object, Database table name);
insertIntoDB($pdo_obj, $agt_obj, $tbname);
- the
function returns apdo object
which can then be used for prepare statements
- the
to get the
create an empty input field in your form -
<input type="hidden" name="tbName" value="agents">
in the
attribute, insert the corresponding table name from the database
Note: In order for the insert function to work, three additional functions are required when creating your class
// Stringify the field names corresponding to the field names in the database
// e.g. AgtFirstName,AgtMiddleInitial,AgtLastName....
public function fieldString() {
foreach ($this as $key => $value) {
$tempArray[] = $key;
$fieldString = implode("," , $tempArray);
return $fieldString;
// Stringify the prepare statement
// e.g. :AgtFirstName,:AgtMiddleInitial,:AgtLastName....
public function prepString() {
foreach ($this as $key => $value) {
$tempArray[] = $key;
$prepString = implode(",:" , $tempArray);
$prepString = ":" . $prepString;
return $prepString;
// Return an associative array of the properties and values
// e.g. AgtFirstName => Jane
// AgtMiddleInitial => A.
// AgtLastname => Doe
// ......
public function objToArray() {
$array = [];
foreach ($this as $key => $value) {
$array[$key] = $value;
return $array;