IstSOS JavaScript core library is a lightweight easy-to-use javascript library that exposes commincation with the IstSOS WA REST interface.
Developers can use this library to acquire sensor observation data from IstSOS server and publish it on the Web.
Install the library using npm:
npm install istsos-javascript-core --save
Or clone the repository:
git clone
Create container object for all servers
var container = new istsos.ServerContainer();
Create istsos.Server object providing appropariate URL and desired name
var server = new istsos.Server({ name: 'test', url: '' });
Create istsos.Database object with appropriate database connection parameters
var db = new istsos.Database({ dbname: 'istsos', host: 'localhost', user: 'postgres', password: 'postgres', port: 5432 });
Create istsos.Service object with appropariate name[string], server and database objects
var service = new istsos.Service({ name: 'demo', server: server, opt_db: db });
Create istsos.Offering object with appropriate name, service and activity properties
var offering = new istsos.Offering({ offeringName: 'temporary', service: service, active: true });
Create istsos.Procedure object, representing the sensor object to be used for getting the observation data
var procedure = new istsos.Procedure({ name: 'BELLINZONA', service: service, foi_name: 'test', epsg: 3857, x: 55, y: 55, z: 55, outputs: [], sensorType: 'insitu-fixed-point' });
Create istsos.ObservedProperty objects for the purpose of getting temperature and rainfall observations
var temperature = new istsos.ObservedProperty({ observedName: 'air-temperature', definitionUrn: 'urn:ogc:def:parameter:x-istsos:1.0:meteo:air:temperature', service: service, constraintType: 'between', value: [0, 300], });
var rainfall = new istsos.ObservedProperty({ observedName: 'air-rainfall', definitionUrn: 'urn:ogc:def:parameter:x-istsos:1.0:meteo:air:rainfall', service: service, constraintType: 'between', value: [0, 50], });
Create istsos.Date objects, representing the observation data interval
var beginTime = new istsos.Date({ year: 2014, month: 5, day: 27, hours: 0, minutes: 0, seconds: 0, gmt: 2 });
var endTime = new istsos.Date({ year: 2014, month: 5, day: 31, hours: 0, minutes: 0, seconds: 0, gmt: 2 });
Perform get observation request
var observations = service.getObservations({ offering: offering, procedures: [procedure], observedProperties: [temperature, rainfall] begin: beginTime, end: endTime });
Two ways of handling the response:
observations.then(function(result) { console.log(result)
/* EVENT LISTENER WAY */ service.on('GETOBSERVATIONS', function(result) { console.log(result) });