0.7.4 → 0.8.0
- Built libsmserver into the
package so that it is no longer necessary as a dependency - Updates read receipts in real time
- Automatically displays texts sent by user from outside of SMServer (#76)
- Optimized profile image retrieval
- Added better notification images (#119)
- Removed Compatible with libsmserver 0.x.x label at bottom of settings view
- Fixed incorrect mime type issues when returning profile pictures
- Fixed various potential issues in build script
- Fixed incorrect operating system version retrieval
- Fixed jumpiness while typing long messages in mobile view (#87)
- Fixed random bizarrely large texts in mobile view (#79)
- Fixed infinite crashes when trying to run as daemon (#111)
- Fixed issue with different addresses being concatenated (#118)
- Fixed ordering of subjects with attachments & disappearing tapbacks (#110)
- Properly linted JavaScript and removed extraneous code