- decompile the new jsx transform:
jsx("div", { children: jsxs("span", { children: ["Hello ", name] }) })
<span>Hello {name}</span>
convert return void sequence to statements:
return void (a(), b());
->a(); b(); return;
simplify merged computed properties:
const obj = {}; obj[1] = 2;
->const obj = { 1: 2 };
resolve circular browserify dependencies
for(; true;)
andwhile ([])
as infinite loop -
while (arr.pop());
no longer gets converted towhile (arr.pop()) { ; }
Bug Fixes
- the
webcrack(code, { deobfuscate: false })
option now works (can give a minor performance boost on unobfuscated code) export
is no longer removed when splittingexport const a = 1, b = 2;
into multiple variables