is a simple java.util.Properties
based library for reading *.properties
files. Essentially, files with the following format:
property1 = value1
property2 = value2
context1.property1 = context1-value1
context1.property2 = context1-value2
one-more-property = some-string-${ENV_VARIABLE}-and-it-ends
While it returns a map
with the keywords turned into symbols from any properties file, it can take any map with "contextual" keys and a prefix, and return a "simplified" sub-map with new keys, without the redundant prefixes (which correspond to the sub-context that the configuration applies to.)
[org.msync/properties-clj "0.4.0-SNAPSHOT"]
(Available via clojars)
For parsing the above sample, in a file named
in $HOME (i.e., the user's home directory)
(require '[ :as properties-reader])
(read-properties "${HOME}/")
;;; => {:ring {:handler {:protocol "binary", :ns "some-ring-handler-ns"}}, :name "configuration-clj",
;;; :db {:host "", :name "whacko-db", :port "4567"}, :version "0.2.4"}
;;; Accessing `sub-maps`
(get-in (read-properties "test/resources/") [:ring :handler :protocol])
;;; => "binary"
name = configuration-clj
version = 0.2.4 = ${USER}-whacko-db = ${}
db.port = 4567
ring.handler.ns = some-ring-handler-ns
ring.handler.protocol = binary
(read-properties "test/resources/" :nest-keys? false)
;;; {"ring.handler.protocol" "binary", "ring.handler.ns" "some-ring-handler-ns", "" "",
;;; "name" "configuration-clj", "" "jaju-whacko-db", "db.port" "4567", "version" "0.2.4"}
(read-properties "/some/file/that/does/not/exist") ;; => Raises FileNotFoundException
(read-properties "/some/file/that/does/not/exist" :default {}) ;; => {}
;;; Converting a nested Clojure map to Java properties format
(write-properties {:foo "bar" :baz {:quux 42}})
;;; => "baz.quux = 42\nfoo = bar"
;;; Also works with EDN
(read-edn "path-to-edn-file")
;;; => A map with values from the EDN file appropriately substituted for env-vars
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.