This code base was created as part of an solidity tutorial available here:
Note the code is provided for educational purposes, is unaudited and not fit for financial transactions.
Edit the .env-example.txt file and save it as .env Add a private key, create one using this script if necessary:-
Build using the following commands:
git clone
cd Tokenomics-Boilerplate
npm install
Because we are using external contracts from Uniswap v3 we need to fork whatever network we want to deploy on. Here I am going to deploy a local version of the Polygon Mumbai Testnet
npx hardhat node --fork
From there we can test and deploy
npx hardhat test
Note you'll need some testnet funds in your wallet to deploy the contract. You can get these from here:
npx hardhat run --network mumbai .\scripts\deploy.js
More info and solidity tutorials on my blog at