This.City is a crowd sourcing platform for reporting problems within a city. Anyone can report and track problems they see in their neighborhood and potentially discover a solution by working with others who share their concerns.
- React Native
- AirBnB Google Maps for React Native
- Node.js
- PostgreSQL
- JavaScript
This.City is a native application that allows its users to pin problems to a map. Once pinned, others can see the issue and confirm or deny that it is a problem. Issues can be categorized by type and a description can be attached to the report. These features make up the MVP that creates a healthy, citizen-driven ecosystem for the maintenance and betterment of any community.
- Create a "profile" page where a user can track all issues they have created or interacted with.
- Create an "analytics" page where a user can see the most common problems around them as well as sort and filter results.
- Build social features that enable users to connect with one another to solve a problem.
- Build social features that enable users to pledge financial support if a problem is solved (Uber/Lyft style exchange).
- Incorporate photos into app, including uploading photos via a mobile device.
- Build a system that allows users to close issues and/or that closes issues automatically based on certain criteria.
The backend for this project lives here.
Originally created in collaboration with Minh Chau