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#Smart Home IoT Test Bench

##Introduction alt tag Smart Home IoT Test Bench is a project light version of MQTT. It is not a kind of MQTT, but made to transfer data easy and visualization like IoT devices.

  • Project name : Capstone Design - Micro Processor
  • Development period : 2016Y 03M 02D ~ 2016Y 06M 10D
  • Development Part : Jongwoo Jun → LCD, Boiler in AVR / Android App | Taehee Jang → Door lock, Gas valve, sound in AVR / Raspberry Pi

##Features alt tag Video

###AVR ATmega8535 Video

  • Switch X0 → Door lock mode(You can type password.) alt tag Video
  • Door lock password correction check(Initial password is '4567') : If you type password correct + press 'a' button, Door unlock on screen with sound. alt tag Video If password wrong, clear typing screen and you can type again after sound. Video
  • Door lock password modify : Type password 4 digits you want to change, and press 'e' button. Video
  • Switch X2 → Boiler mode alt tag Video
  • Boiler temperature control : Youcan control boiler temperature from 18 ~ 33 celcius by rotary switch. alt tag Video
  • Switch X1, X3 → Gas valve mode : X1 loosen gas valve, X3 fasten gas valve. You can watch step motor rotate 180 degree.

###Raspberry Pi2 or 3 alt tag Video

  • All-in-one installation script(
  • Auto start on startup
  • Watch data from AVR and save data to RPi mariaDB and cloud instance mariaDB
  • Process request from Android client

###Android(Since 4.1 Jelly Bean) alt tag Video

  • Lock / Unlock door lock
  • Fasten / Loosen gas valve
  • Boiler on/off
  • Control boiler temperature
  • Watch home status

##Installation 1. Folk this project to your repository.

2. AVR ATmega8535 : Insert CD_ATmega8535.hex file (Location : CD_ATmega8535/Debug/Exe/CD_ATmega8535.hex) to your AVR device.

3. Raspberry Pi 2 or 3 :

3-1. Change #define MARIA_CLOUD "Your domain here" to your cloud domain in avr_daemon.c 18 line and commit.

3-2. Change WiFi SSID and Password as your wish in 97 ~ 98 line and commit.

3-3. Change git repository address to yours in 61 line and commit.

3-4. Boot raspbian OS and do "sudo raspi-config". Execute "1. Expand file system" and "4. International Option" → Select time zone, Change Localization. Reboot.

3-5. Clone this project in your repository or Copy by FTP client. And connect USB to RS232-C cable. Execute "sudo sh" Video

4. Android :

4-1. Change Raspberry Pi domain or local IP in 231line .

4-2. Build android projects in CD_Android folder and install apk file in your phone.

##Details ###Hardware platform and devices

  • AVR → MIDAS Engineering MDA-Multi MICOM (ATmega8535,
  • Raspberry Pi 2 (Compatible to RPi3)
  • Android (Since 4.1 Jelly Bean is available)
  • Wireless router(Tested in ipTime A2004R)
  • USB to RS-232C cable

###Development environment and tools

  • Compiler : AVR → IAR Embedded Workbench Atmel AVR C / Raspberry Pi → arm-gcc C Compiler, PHP 5.6.11
  • Operating system : Raspberry Pi → Raspbian Jessie 03-18-2016 / Android → Android 4.1 Jellybean or later
  • Development environment : AVR development → Windows XP or 7 32bit / Raspberry Pi → Ubuntu 15.10 64bit or later / Android → Android Studio 1.5 or later
  • Applications : Apache2, mariaDB, PHPMyAdmin, etc.

###AVR ATmega8535 ####Brief of Smart Home IoT Test Bench structures alt tag

####Details of Smart Home IoT Test Bench structures alt tag

####AVR(ATmega8535 main.c) flowchart alt tag

####DDR pin map alt tag alt tag alt tag alt tag

####Data transfer protocol information(RPi ↔ AVR) ※ All command characters(input parameters) are unsigned char.

Command character Command name Available command functions
0 ~ f (0x30 ~ 0x39, 0x61 ~ 0x66) Screen boiler temperature rs232_get_command(‘0 ~ f’) / set_rs232_data(‘0 ~ f’)
g (0x67) Loosen gas valve rs232_get_command(‘g’) / stepmotor_spin(‘g’) / set_rs232_data(‘g’)
l (0x6c) Lock door rs232_get_command(‘l’) / door_lock_unlock('l') / avr_sound(‘l’) / set_rs232_data(‘l’)
p (0x70) 4x4 Keypad is pressed avr_sound(‘p’) / set_rs232_data(‘p’)
u (0x75) Unlock door rs232_get_command(‘u’) / door_lock_unlock('u') / avr_sound(‘u’) / set_rs232_data(‘u’)
v (0x76) Fasten gas valve rs232_get_command(‘v’) / stepmotor_spin(‘v’) / set_rs232_data(‘v’)
w (0x77) Process error set_rs232_data(‘w’)

####ATmega8535 main.c function information (18 functions)

Function name Parameters Return datatype Return value Description
delay int 0 Delay 65000 counts.
doorlock void Show password input screen on LCD.
door_lock_unlock u, l int 0 Show password match or stay out mode screen on LCD.
stepmotor_spin v, g int 0 Rotate step motor left(v) or right(g).
init_rs232 int 0 Initialize RS232 registers.
set_rs232_data unsigned char unsigned char 0 Send 1byte unsigned char data from AVR via RS-232C cable.
get_rs232_data unsigned char 0
SCAN ~ SCAN4 void
init_devices int 0
avr_sound w, u, l, p int 0
rs232_get_command unsigned char int 0
encryption void
password_checker int 0, 1

####ATmega8535 main.c interrupts information

Interrupt name Description

###Raspberry Pi (2 or 3) ####Raspberry Pi 2 structures alt tag

####Raspberry Pi 2(avr_daemon.c) flowchart alt tag

####Raspberry Pi 2(control.php) flowchart alt tag

####control.php data protocol information

Command variables Command character Command name Command function _POST variables
$andClientId KEY_VALUE Match ID between android and RPi strcmp($andClientId, $rpiClientId); andClientId
$andModeGet 1, 2 Set command to RPi whether get database or set command to AVR 1 → andGetMaria(); / 2 → rpiAndCommCheck(); andModeSet
$andCommGet 0 ~ f, u, l, g, v, o Request specific function of AVR avrSetComm($andCommGet, $avrDevId); andCommSet

####mariaDB rpi_avr table structure in and_rpi_avr database

cid client_id rpi_id avr_id avr_data rpi_time
Primary key Yes
Data type char char char char char TIMESTAMP
Length 30 30 20 20 1
Encoding utf8


Capstone Design - Micro Processor by using AVR ATMega8535







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