Arduino serial terminal and tester for AD7745, AD7746 AD7747 with precise i2c communication and automatic offset adjustment
Tested with Arduino IDE 1.8.10 and Arduino AVR Boards Built-In Arduino version 1.8.1 This text is valid for software version V1.5
- the baud rate is 115200
- number of digits for a command with parameter must be preserved, excess zeros must not be deleted
- sent command must be terminated with codes 0x0D + 0x0A ie. CR + LF or \r\n, most PC terminals doing this by default (Arduino Serial Monitor must be set to "Both NL&CR")
- macros can be created if the PC terminal allows it, but each command must be from the next command separated by codes 0x0D + 0x0A
- registers 00 - 06 are read only, registers 15 - 18 are factory calibrated and they are not saved to flash memory
- the sampling period value SamplePeriod (command pwdddd) is a program variable, the minimal sample period is determined by the convert time, set in the CONFIGURATION registry
- signs in the following text: h = hexadeximal digit, d = decimal digit
- FW writes current registers 07-14 to EEPROM memory as default after RESET / POR including CAP Offset register
- FR clears the EEPROM memory area in use, registers 07-14 are initialized from PROGMEM after RESET / POR
- NN no operation - delay 250 ms
- OO automatic offset compensation
- OR clear offset compensation (CAPDACs = off, OFFSET = 0x8000 the middle of the interval)
- PR prints the sampling period of the converter, in the decimal form dddd, the unit is time in [ms]
- PWdddd write setting the AD774X sampling period, dddd are four digits 0000-9999, the unit is time in [ms]
- RR prints all registers in the form "R00 = hh R01 = hh… R18 = hh"
- RRdd prints one register in the form "Rdd = hh"
- RWddhh writes to the register dd hexadecimal value hh, dd are two decimal digits in the range 00 - 18
- SS disables / enables periodic sampling of AD774X, default is OFF !!!
- TT reads the data registers once and displays them. Makes meaning only when sampling is stop.
- VV displays the version of this software
- XX restart Arduino with SW reset AD774X including setting its default values
- rw10A2<CR+LF> write to configuration register number 10 value 0xA2
- RW10a2<CR+LF> is identical
- pw0300<CR+LF> changes the sampling period to 300ms (only until RESET or POR)
Example makro:
- SS<CR+LF> use it separately for stop sampling
- RW10A2<CR+LF>NN<CR+LF>TT<CR+LF> and then this as macro - write to configuration register number 10 value 0xA2(start single conversion), set delay 250ms and display recieved data