Simple scripts for my ctf setup.
Clone the repo and run with ./ INSTALL_DIR inside the VM to install into the given directory as the current user. Please don't use any weird path names/usernames, it might be broken, but I tried.
An Ubuntu VM is required, probably 16.04 at least.
Tested on:
- 18.04
A bunch of helper scripts are installed to INSTALL_DIR/scripts.
Additionally the following items are installed, listed with their dependencies (that are found in the file):
- build-essential
- curl
- docker: apt-transport-https, ca-certificates, software-properties-common
- gdb: bison, flex, expat, libmpfr-dev, m4
- git
- libc6-i386 libraries
- one_gadget: ruby
- pwndbg
- pwngdb
- python2/3, with -dev and -pip
- python2 packages
- flask
- gmpy
- gmpy2: libmpfr-dev libmpc-dev
- ipython
- numpy
- pwntools
- pycryptodome
- RVM/ruby: gnupg2
- radare2
- sagemath
- virtualenv
- qemu: qemu-kvm libvirt-bin
- wine-development (from ppa)
- compton
- dmenu
- feh
- fasd
- fzf
- neovim: python2/3-dev
- vim-plug
- vim-easymotion
- st: libx11-dev libxft-dev libfontconfig1-dev pkg-config
- LukeSmithxyz/st fork
- Slightly modified theme
- xmonad: ghc, libx11-dev, libghc-xmonad-dev, libghc-xmonad-contrib-dev
- xmobar
- zsh
- antigen
- oh-my-zsh
- subnixr/minimal theme