An Expedia affiliate network class for PHP
To setup:
//Include your app information
$consumerKey = "yourclientkey";
$clientSecret = "yourclientsecret"; //this is called "shared secret" in the mashery email you got when you signed.
//Include the ean class
// Instanciate the class
$ean = new EAN($consumerKey, $clientSecret);
// thats it!
Examples to use from index.php:
//find a hotel
//discoverHotel($address = null, $hotelId = null, $affinity = null, $maxResults = '200',$offset = null)
$ean->discoverHotel('new york city',null,null,'10',null);
//Take a hotel id from ean and convert it to expedia
$expediaHotelId = $ean->ToExpedia($theEANhotelId);
//Get pricing for that hotel for april 14 2014 - 15th
$availandpricedata = $ean->hotelList($hotelid,'04/14/2014','04/15/2014','1');