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CREST is a concolic test generation tool for C.

Thanks for downloading and trying out CREST.

You can get the latest version of CREST, as well as news and announcements at CREST's homepage: .

If you want to cite CREST, please refer to the (short) paper: Burnim, Sen, "Heuristics for Dynamic Test Generation", Proceedings of the 23rd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE), 2008.

You can find a list of papers using CREST at .

NOTE: CREST is no longer being actively developed, but questions are still answered on the CREST-users mailing list -- [email protected] and!forum/crest-users .

Preparing a Program for CREST

To use CREST on a C program, use functions CREST_int, CREST_char, etc., declared in "crest.h", to generate symbolic inputs for your program. For examples, see the programs in test/.

For simple, single-file programs, you can use the build script "bin/crestc" to instrument and compile your test program.

CREST can be used to instrument multi-file programs, too -- instructions may be added later. In the meantime, you can take a look at an example, instrumented form of grep-2.2, available at . For further information, please see this post on the CREST-users mailing list.

Running Crest

CREST is run on an instrumented program as:


Possibly strategies include: dfs, cfg, random, uniform_random, random_input. Some strategies take optional parameters.

Example commands to test the "test/uniform_test.c" program:

cd test
../bin/crestc uniform_test.c
../bin/run_crest ./uniform_test 10 -dfs

This should produce output roughly like:

... [GARBAGE] ...
Read 8 branches.
Read 13 nodes.
Wrote 6 branch edges.

Iteration 0 (0s): covered 0 branches [0 reach funs, 0 reach branches].
Iteration 1 (0s): covered 1 branches [1 reach funs, 8 reach branches].
Iteration 2 (0s): covered 3 branches [1 reach funs, 8 reach branches].
Iteration 3 (0s): covered 5 branches [1 reach funs, 8 reach branches].
Iteration 4 (0s): covered 7 branches [1 reach funs, 8 reach branches].
Iteration 5 (0s): covered 8 branches [1 reach funs, 8 reach branches].

NOTE: run_crest and crestc currently leave a lot of files lying around, some of which are temporary and some of which must be kept. In particular, "cfg_branches" and "branches" are output by the instrumentation process and are needed to run run_crest, and run_crest produces "coverage", a list of the ID's of all covered branches.


CREST depends on Yices 1, an SMT solver tool and library available at To build and run CREST, you must download and install Yices version 1 and change YICES_DIR in src/Makefile to point to Yices location.

CREST uses CIL to instrument C programs for testing. A modified distribution of CIL is included in directory cil/. To build CIL, simply run "configure" and "make" in the cil/ directory.

Finally, CREST can be built by running "make" in the src/ directory.


CREST is distributed under the revised BSD license. See LICENSE for details.

This distribution includes a modified version of CIL, a tool for parsing, analyzing, and transforming C programs. CIL is written by George Necula, Scott McPeak, Wes Weimer, Ben Liblit, and Matt Harren. It is also distributed under the revised BSD license. See cil/LICENSE for details.