A library to tame Ice.Config
This library is planned to simplify Ice.Config handle and add some useful features:
- config files can be located in any place. [EasyIce]
- simplify Ice Proxy creation and exception managenemt [EasyProxy]
- port injection (not implemented)
#include <easyiceconfig/EasyIce.hpp>
Then just replace:
- Ice::initialize ---> EasyIce::initialize
- Ice::createProperties ---> EasyIce::createProperties
Find Ice.Config filename into all defined search paths. Order is:
* 1. current dir
* 3. hardcored paths (.hpp)
Demostrative code:
#include <Ice/Ice.h>
#include <easyiceconfig/EasyIce.h>
#include <easyiceconfig/debug.hpp>
#include <iostream>
int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
Ice::PropertiesPtr props = EasyIce::createProperties(argc, argv);
Console Output:
$ ./test --Ice.Config=core.cfg,quadrotorplugin2.cfg,../conf/quadrotorplugin2.cfg,test.cfg
[Info] loaded Ice.Config file: /usr/local/share/jderobot/conf/core.cfg
[Info] loaded Ice.Config file: /tmp/quadrotorplugin2.cfg
[Info] loaded Ice.Config file: /usr/local/share/jderobot/conf/../conf/quadrotorplugin2.cfg
[Info] loaded Ice.Config file: test.cfg
Properties [0x973f70] has 8 entries:
Ice.Config: ../conf/quadrotorplugin2.cfg,quadrotorplugin2.cfg,opencvdemo.cfg,test.cfg
Opencvdemo.Camera.Proxy: cameraA:tcp -h -p 9999
Quadrotor.Adapter.Endpoints: default -h localhost -p 9000
Quadrotor.CMDVel.Name: CMDVel
Quadrotor.Camera.Name: Camera
Quadrotor.Extra.Name: Extra
Quadrotor.Navdata.Name: Navdata
Quadrotor.Pose3D.Name: Pose3D
Here you are a very complex example:
- load core.cfg from predefined system path (/usr/local/share/jderobot/conf/)
- define testing search locations through $ICE_CONFIG_PATH
- relative paths works always, so you can even load hidden files by prepend path (quadrotorplugin2.cfg vs ../conf)
- forget everything and just use $PWD and retative paths (test.cfg)
EasyProxy simplifies Ice Proxy creation and exception managenemt. It handles exceptions to provide a simple if scoped logic. On error, original exception is retained allowing printing and throwing.
There are two ways to use this helper:
- Full featured mode:
- learn by example: sensors.cpp & sensors.h
- No more explicit exception handling.
- External usage remains unchanged (proxy pattern).
EasyProxy<ClassPrx> proxy(ic,"X.Proxy", false)
if (proxy)
// do stuff
- Fallback mode:
- learn by example: actuators.cpp
- It only requires changes at cpp
- API (header) is unchanged.
try {
ClassPrx prx = easyiceconfig::proxies::createProxy<ClassPrx>(ic, "X.Proxy", false);
}catch (Ice::Exception& e){
Basic walk-through: test_proxy.cpp