Releases: jdhao/nvim-config
Releases · jdhao/nvim-config
config for nvim 0.10.2
What's Changed
- update supported nvim version to 0.10.2 by @jdhao in #342
- update Leaderf setting by @jdhao in #344
- Add plugin nvim-lightbulb to hint code actions by @jdhao in #345
- use stylua to format lua files by @jdhao in #346
- enable inlayhint for lua_ls server by @jdhao in #347
- Enable LSP format also for visual selection by @jdhao in #348
- Switch Python LSP for completion and add ruff by @jdhao in #349
- remove plugin committia.vim by @jdhao in #350
- update config for pyright by @jdhao in #351
- use plaintext for pyright hover request by @jdhao in #352
- update the fold level allowed for statuscol.nvim by @jdhao in #353
- feat: custom command update by @jdhao in #356
- Fix command CopyPath issue by @jdhao in #357
- update lualine config by @jdhao in #358
- use native lua api instead of vim.cmd by @jdhao in #359
- install new plugins by @jdhao in #360
- update dict by @jdhao in #361
- reformat with stylua by @jdhao in #362
- make option showcmd shown in statusline instead by @jdhao in #363
- silently format lua file using stylua by @jdhao in #364
- disable mouse by @jdhao in #365
Full Changelog: v0.10.1...v0.10.2
What's Changed
- update to neovim version 0.10.1 by @jdhao in #283
- update plugin for markdown preview by @jdhao in #284
- update lua_ls settings by @jdhao in #285
- make firenvim work again by @jdhao in #286
- update lazy.nvim config by @jdhao in #287
- update lualine config by @jdhao in #288
- Fix firenvim and LeaderF build issues by @jdhao in #289
- update LeaderF settings by @jdhao in #290
- change value for option 'splitkeep' by @jdhao in #291
- update setting for colorscheme gruvbox-material by @jdhao in #292
- use plugin nvim-ufo for better folding by @jdhao in #293
- update config for nvim-ufo by @jdhao in #294
- fix error when there is no cursor word by @jdhao in #295
- Add colorscheme arctic.nvim by @jdhao in #296
- update config related to folding by @jdhao in #297
- Fix lua_ls diagnostic warnings by @jdhao in #298
- show error message only when no word is under cursor by @jdhao in #299
- update type hint for functions by @jdhao in #300
- Add git blame mapping by @jdhao in #301
- update load condtion for nvim-tree by @jdhao in #302
- update user dictionary by @jdhao in #303
- Add new colorscheme kanagawa by @jdhao in #304
- Update installation doc by @jdhao in #305
- change name of lualine config by @jdhao in #306
- Update nvim-ufo settings by @jdhao in #307
- filter fold level sign for statuscol.nvim by @jdhao in #308
- add plugin lazydev.nvim by @jdhao in #309
- Update mapping of plugin open-browser.vim by @jdhao in #310
- update git related mappings by @jdhao in #311
- fix git mapping issue by @jdhao in #312
- move version check into function by @jdhao in #314
- remove lua_ls conf in favor of lazydev.nvim by @jdhao in #315
- Use gx.nvim for browsing in Browser by @jdhao in #316
- update README by @jdhao in #317
- update vim-fugitive mapping by @jdhao in #318
- update config for bufferline.nvim by @jdhao in #319
- Add mapping to delete other buffers by @jdhao in #320
- remove setting for JSON file by @jdhao in #321
- Update config for handling large files by @jdhao in #322
- Add new plugins by @jdhao in #323
- Update configuration for nvim-cmp by @jdhao in #324
- update config for yanky by @jdhao in #325
- remove unused plugins by @jdhao in #326
- Move autocmd in viml to Lua by @jdhao in #327
- Add error handling for resuming the cursor by @jdhao in #329
- Fix type for option relativenumber by @jdhao in #330
- Make * and # search case aware by @jdhao in #331
- update documentation for resuming cursor position by @jdhao in #332
- restructure init.lua by @jdhao in #333
- remove inspect() from lua _G table by @jdhao in #334
- Use absolute path for viml config by @jdhao in #335
- Add plugin live-command.nvim by @jdhao in #337
- update conf for plugin live-command.nvim by @jdhao in #338
- use a cmp-fork for now by @jdhao in #341
Full Changelog: v0.10.0...v0.10.1
v0.10.0 release
What's Changed
- Enable nvim-tree to open dir during startup by @jdhao in #261
- Update colorscheme conf by @jdhao in #265
- remove lazylock by @jdhao in #266
- update used plugins by @jdhao in #267
- Stop showing percent location by @jdhao in #270
- update some mappings by @jdhao in #271
- Enable treesitter folding for Python and Lua by @jdhao in #274
- upgrade neovim to latest stable by @jdhao in #275
- use vim.uv instead of vim.loop by @jdhao in #276
- remove emmylua since neovim has builtin annotation by @jdhao in #277
- Update config for GitSigns by @jdhao in #279
- Update hop.nvim conf to support Chinese by @jdhao in #280
- use plugin nvim-autopairs for autopair by @jdhao in #281
- update which-key conf and some mappings by @jdhao in #282
Full Changelog: v0.9.5...v0.10.0
v0.9.5 release
What's Changed
- Use the matained fork of hop.nvim by @jdhao in #239
- remove colorschemes rose-pine by @jdhao in #241
- Show Py virtual env on statusline by @jdhao in #243
- upgrade indent-blankline to v3 by @jdhao in #244
- remove obsolete option for indent-blankline by @jdhao in #245
- update to nvim 0.9.4 by @jdhao in #250
- Rename vimscript conf directory by @jdhao in #251
- Remove obsolete options for nvim-tree by @jdhao in #252
- update plugin spec by @jdhao in #253
- Add diffview.nvim for viewing diffs by @jdhao in #254
- Deal with other variant of unix timestamp by @jdhao in #255
- bump neovim version to 0.9.5 by @jdhao in #260
Full Changelog: v0.9.2...v0.9.5
v0.9.2 release
Config for nvim 0.9.2
What's Changed
- fix nvimtree conf, close #215 by @jdhao in #216
- Update condition for installing vim-xkbswitch, close #218 by @jdhao in #219
- feat: switch from packer.nvim to lazy.nvim by @jdhao in #221
- fix multi-line yank issue, close #220 by @jdhao in #222
- disable horizontal scroll by mouse by @jdhao in #225
- fix multi visual line delete issue by @jdhao in #228
- Optimize plugin loading speed by @jdhao in #229
- fix loading order of nvim-cmp and nvim-lsp by @jdhao in #231
- fix hlslens issue when no pattern is found by @jdhao in #232
- fix bufferline loading issue by @jdhao in #233
- Loosen the version check condition by @jdhao in #234
- update plugin lazy loading events by @jdhao in #236
- update plugin conf for Lazy.nvim by @jdhao in #237
- upgrade to neovim 0.9.2 by @jdhao in #238
Full Changelog: v0.9.1...v0.9.2
v0.9.1 release
config for nvim 0.9.1
v0.9.0 release
conf for nvim 0.9.0
v0.8.1 release
Config for nvim 0.8.1
v0.8.0 release
config for nvim 0.8.0
v0.7.2 release
minor update for nvim 0.7.2