geo-shell is an interactive shell for geospatial analysis.
geo-shell support vector, raster, and tile datasets and includes a map module.
Behind the scenes it uses GeoScript Groovy, GeoTools, and JTS.
You can use geo-shell interactively by typing geo-shell at the command line.
Or you can write scripts and then execute them from the command line by typing geo-shell --cmdfile script.txt
Or by using the script --file script.txt command within a geo-shell session.
$ geo-shell
geo-shell>workspace open --name shps --params /Users/you/Projects/NaturalEarth/LargeScale/10m_cultural
Workspace shps opened!
geo-shell>workspace layers --name shps
geo-shell>layer open --workspace shps --layer 10m_roads
geo-shell is based on spring-shell and inherits several useful built in commands:
exit = exit the shell
quit = exit the shell
help = list all commands and their usages
help workspace open = list help for a specific command
! = run os command string
date = displays local date and time
script = run a script
system properties = show shell's properties
version = display current cli version
download --url url --file file
unzip --file --directory dir
open --file file
workspace open --name shps --params /Users/you/shps
workspce close --name shps
workspace list --name shps
workspace layers --name shps
layer open --workspace shps --layer states --name us_states
layer close --name us_states
layer list
layer schema --name us_states
layer features --name us_states --filter "NAME='Washington'"
layer count --name us_states
layer remove --workspace shps --layer states
layer create --workspace shps --name points --fields "the_geom=Point EPSG:4326|id=Int|name=String"
layer add --name points --values "the_geom=POINT (1 1)|id=1|name=Seattle"
layer delete --name states --filter "area > 500"
layer copy --input-name states --output-workspace layers.gpkg --output-name countries
layer style set --name us_states --style states.sld
layer style get --name us_states --style states.sld
layer addfields --input-name points --output-workspace directory --output-name points_xy --fields "xcol=Double,ycol=Double"
layer removefields --input-name points_xy --output-workspace mem --output-name points_no_xy --fields xcoord,ycoord
layer updatefield --name points_fields --field wkt --value 'return f.geom.wkt' --script true
layer addareafield --input-name us_states --output-workspace postgis --output-name states_area --area-fieldname area
layer addidfield --input-name us_states --output-workspace postgis --output-name states_area --id-fieldname id --start-value 1
layer addxyfields --input-name points --output-workspace postgis --output-name points_xy --x-fieldname xcoord --y-fieldname ycoord
layer buffer --input-name us_states --output-workspace postgis --output-name states_buffered --distance 10
layer centroid --input-name us_states --output-workspace postgis --output-name states_centroids
layer interiorpoint --input-name us_states --output-workspace postgis --output-name states_interiorpoints
layer random --output-workspace postgis --output-name points --number 100 --geometry 0,0,45,45
layer grid rowcol --output-workspace layers --output-name grid --rows 10 --columns 10 --geometry -180,-90,180,90
layer grid widthheight --output-workspace layers --output-name grid --width 20 --height 15 --geometry -180,-90,180,90
layer extent --input-name polygons --output-workspace memory --output-name extent
layer extents --input-name polygons --output-workspace memory --output-name extents
layer convexhull --input-name polygons --output-workspace memory --output-name convexhull
layer convexhulls --input-name polygons --output-workspace memory --output-name convexhulls
layer delaunay --input-name points --output-workspace mem --output-name delaunay
layer voronoi --input-name points --output-workspace mem --output-name voronoi
layer mincircle --input-name polygons --output-workspace memory --output-name mincircle
layer mincircles --input-name polygons --output-workspace memory --output-name mincircles
layer minrect --input-name polygons --output-workspace memory --output-name minrect
layer minrects --input-name polygons --output-workspace memory --output-name minrects
layer octagonalenvelope --input-name polygons --output-workspace memory --output-name octagonalenvelope
layer octagonalenvelopes --input-name polygons --output-workspace memory --output-name octagonalenvelopes
layer simplify --input-name polys --output-workspace directory --output-name simplified --algorithm tp --distance 120
layer densify --input-name polys --output-workspace postgis --output-name polys_densified --distance 10
layer transform --input-name points --output-workspace mem --output-name polys --transforms "the_geom=buffer(the_geom, 2)|id=id*10"
layer reproject --input-name states --output-workspace postgis --output-name states_merc --projection EPSG:3857
layer clip --input-name cities --clip-name state --output-workspace dir --output-name cities_states
layer union --input-name wetlands --other-name floodplain --output-workspace dir --output-name waterlogged
layer intersection --input-name parcels --other-name floodplain --output-workspace postgis --output-name parcels_floodplain
layer erase --input-name parcels --other-name zones --output-workspace shps --output-name parcel_zones
layer identity --input-name parcels --other-name zones --output-workspace shps --output-name parcel_zones_identity
layer update --input-name a:a --other-name b:b --output-workspace mem --output-name a_b_update
layer symdifference --input-name a:a --other-name b:b --output-workspace mem --output-name a_b_symdifference
layer dissolve --input-name states --output-workspace mem --output-name regions --field SUB_REGION
layer points along lines --input-name lines:lines --output-workspace mem --output-name points --distance 0.0001
layer graticule rectangle --workspace mem --name rectangles --bounds -180,-90,180,90 --width 20 --height 10
layer graticule square --workspace mem --name squares --bounds -180,-90,180,90 --length 10
layer graticule oval --workspace mem --name ovals --bounds -180,-90,180,90 --size 10
layer graticule hexagon --workspace mem --name hexagons --bounds -180,-90,180,90 --length 10
tile open --name states --params states.mbtiles
tile close --name states
tile list
tile info --name states
tile generate --name states --map states_map --start 0 --end 4
tile stitch raster --name osm --format osm_bounds --raster osm_bounds --bounds "-102.360992,47.126213,-100.390320,47.819610,EPSG:4326"
tile vector grid --name osm --workspace gpkg --layer gridz --z 1
tile tiles --name osm --bounds "2315277.538707974,4356146.199006655,2534193.2172859586,4470343.227121928" --z 10
tile delete --name osm --z 1
format open --name earth --input earth.tif
format close --name earth
format list
format rasters --name earth
raster open --format earth --raster earth
raster close --name earth
raster list
raster info --name earth
raster value --name earth --x 10 --y 15 --type pixel
raster crop --name earth --output-format cropped_earth --output-name cropped_earth --geometry 0,0,45,45
raster reproject --name earth --output-format earth_reprojected --output-name earth-reprojected --projection EPSG:4326
raster style set --name earth --style earth.sld
raster style get --name earth --style earth.sld
raster contour --name raster --output-workspace mem --output-name contours --band 0 --levels 74,100,120,140,160,180,200,220,240,252
raster envelope --name earth --output-workspace earth_outline --output-name earth_outline
raster reclassify --name raster --output-format reclassified --output-name reclassified --band 0 --ranges "0-185=1,185-200=2,200-255=3"
raster scale --name raster --output-format scaled --output-name scaled --x 2 --y 3 --interpolation bicubic
raster add constant --name raster --output-format raster10 --output-name raster10 --values 10
raster add raster --name1 topo --name2 deposits --output-format topo_new --output-name topo_new
raster subtract constant --name raster --output-format rasterMinus10 --output-name rasterMinus10 --values 10
raster subtract raster --name1 erosion --name2 topo --output-format topo_new --output-name topo_new
raster multiply constant --name raster --output-format rasterTimes10 --output-name rasterTimes10 --values 10
raster multiply raster --name1 topo --name2 height --output-format topo_new --output-name topo_new
raster divide constant --name raster --output-format rasterDividedBy2 --output-name rasterDividedBy2 --values 2
raster divide raster --name1 topo --name2 reduce --output-format topo_new --output-name topo_new
raster stylize --name raster --output-format raster_stylized --output-name raster_stylized
raster shadedrelief --name raster --output-format shaded --output-name shaded --scale 1.0 --altitude 25.0 --azimuth 35.0
raster mosaic --name1 raster1 --name2 raster2 --output-format mosaic --output-name mosaic
raster polygon --name high --output-workspace layers --output-name grid
style create --params "stroke=navy stroke=width=5" --file earth_outline.sld
style vector default --layer naturalearth:countries --color #a5bfdd --file ocean_blue.sld
style vector uniquevalues --layer naturalearth:states --field NAME_1 --colors random --file states_name.sld
style vector gradient --layer naturalearth:states --field population --number 8 --colors blues --file states_pop.sld
style raster default --raster raster --opacity 0.75 --file raster.sld
style raster colormap --raster raster --values "10=red,50=blue,100=wheat,250=white" --type ramp --opacity 0.75 --file raster_colormap.sld
style raster palette colormap --min 1 --max 50 --palette MutedTerrain --number 20 --file terrain.sld
style repository save --type h2 --options file=styles_county.db --layerName roads --styleName roads --styleFile examples/roads.sld
style repository get --type nested-directory --options file=examples/county_styles --layerName roads --styleName roads
style repository list --type directory --options file=examples/styles
style repository delete --type directory --options file=examples/styles --layerName parcels --styleName parcels
style repository copy --inputType sqlite --inputOptions file=examples/my-styles.db --outputType h2 --outputOptions file=examples/h2-styles.db
map open --name state_map
map close --name state_map
map list
map layers --name state_map
map add layer --name state_map --layer states
map add raster --name state_map --raster usa_dem
map add tile --name state_map --tile osm
map remove layer --name state_map --layer states
map reorder --name state_map --layer states --order first | last | up | down | 1 | 2
map draw --name state_map --bounds 0,0,100,100
map display --name state_map --bounds 0,0,100,100
geo-shell is open source and licensed under the MIT License.