This is a script to easily configure and enable AWS Console Role Switching.
- Log into the AWS Console for account you want to provide access TO.
- Open CloudShell in the AWS Console, paste in this string:
bash <(curl -s
- You will be prompted to put in the AWS Account ID to allow access FROM, the rest is automatic.
- Log out of the AWS account to provide access TO.
- Log into the AWS account to get access FROM.
- Paste the URL provided by the script into your browser.
This script enables full access to your account, so be sure the FROM account is well protected (e.g. with MFA).
. there's a way to include a check for MFA in the Role JSON, but it didn't work in my SAML envoronment.
. it would likewise be possible to create or attach a policy with something less than AdministratorAccess.