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We have recently published a survey Deep Learning-based Software Engineering: Progress, Challenges, and Opportunities ( BIBTEX, ) in SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences. Although we have tried our best to collect related papers publicly available before the publication of our survey paper, there must be closely related papers published after the cutoff date. To construct an updated list of related papers in learning-based software engineering, we construct this website to continuously collect relevant papers in the field and translate the latest cutting-edge developments.

@article{:/publisher/Science China Press/journal/SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences///10.1007/s11432-023-4127-5, author = "Xiangping CHEN,Xing HU,Yuan HUANG,He JIANG,Weixing JI,Yanjie JIANG,Yanyan JIANG,Bo LIU,Hui LIU,Xiaochen LI,Xiaoli LIAN,Guozhu MENG,Xin PENG0,Hailong SUN,Lin SHI,Bo WANG,Chong WANG0,Jiayi WANG,Tiantian WANG,Jifeng XUAN,Xin XIA,Yibiao YANG,Yixin YANG,Li ZHANG,Yuming ZHOU,Lu ZHANG", title = "Deep Learning-based Software Engineering: Progress, Challenges, and Opportunities∗", journal = "SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences", pages = "-", url = " China Press/journal/SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences///10.1007/s11432-023-4127-5, doi = ""}

We warmly welcome authors of relevant papers to actively submit their work to this website. They may accomplish it by any of the following methods:

  1. Post an Issue for the website.
  2. Submit a Pull Request to update the website.
  3. Send your work via email to [email protected]


Requirements Engineering

Code Generation

Code Search

Code Summarization

Software Refactoring

Code Clone Detection

Software Defect Prediction

Bug Finding

Fault Localization

Program Repair

Bug Report Management

Developer Collaboration

Technical Debt

Page Traffic Analysis
<script type="text/javascript" id="clustrmaps" src="//"></script>

Template by Cheng Wen.