Hi! I'm practicing a lot of web development techniques, on both the client and server. My goal is to post something every day for 100 days. We'll see how that goes. :-) As much as possible, I'm only wanting to spend an hour per day on each project. The source is located here; the live site is http://daily.kumuwai.com.
On the server, I'm using php with the Laravel framework.
Do you see something here that I'm doing the hard way? I would very much appreciate any input on easier, more effective ways to do things. I'm gradually learning how to do web development, but it's a bit of a hill to climb.
As much as possible, I'm trying to use Test Driven Development, and resolve any known issues before posting anything. I am, however, new to this process, and don't really know what I'm doing. If you come across an issue, bug reports (and pull requests) are definitely welcome.