Web-based Electrode Visualization
An extention of N-Tools-Elec, based on X Toolkit (XTK).
- Visit search page.
- Type "fsMNI" for SubjectID, select UMB mode, and click "Load Data!" button (as showed below).
- In 3D view: mouse-left = rotate, mouse-wheel = zoom, shift+mouse-left = move, left-click sphere or bar = select & display elec or fmap properties.
- The orthogonal 2D slices in 3D view can be turned off by GUI (mark #1 in screenshot).
- The elec ID menu (#2) and 3D spheres (#3) are synchronized, selecting one will update the other.
- Some elec spheres and fmap bars may be beneath brain surface un-selectable, you can turn off brain surface (#4) to select them.
- Moving mouse cursor to an elec in 3D view will show its ID tags. Clicking #5 shows all ID tags.
- Find toolbox for web-based visualization of Freesurfer files.
- Create database of existing MRI scans and electrode coordinates for web visualization.
- Convert ntools_elec outputs to XTK compatible format.
- Create web service for accessing ntools_elec outputs.
- Create GUI for subject selection and 3D redering options.
- Assign and save different atrributes to the electrodes (e.g. functional mapping, seizure mapping, resection mapping, etc.).
- Link to MCIT database of Kerbros ID/Password.
- Create white list of Kerbros ID for legit users.
- Render brain volume instead of cortical surface.
- Opacity control of brain surface
- Color-code fmap bars
- Display legend for color-code
- Color-code elecs on 2D slices
- Additional draw-down menu items for different types of fmap findings
- Adopt BIDS format in json file
- 3D tags
- Show multiple fmap bars for same elec-pairs
- Interpolate surface color with electrode attributes (e.g. Garma band strength).