icdiff-expects is an expects matcher that uses this fork of icdiff -- to make equality test assertion failures in Python tests that use the expects assertion library print readable intraline coloured diffs.
I haven't got around to releasing this on PyPI, but you can put this in a requirements.txt:
-e git+https://github.com/jlee-made/icdiff-expects.git@04c834cc6968aab367e2f1f2c0d72faf6d920985#egg=icdiff-expects
-e git+https://github.com/jlee-made/icdiff.git@13abb1ae6120f31edcf856c7468268f1eeff6cea#egg=icdiff-inprocess
and then pip install -r requirements.txt
In your test code (e.g. a unittest test case method):
from expects import expect
import icdiff_expects
expected = {
"spam_id": "32102903",
"spam_code": "spam",
"spam_count": 4295,
"spam_method": "thorough",
"spam_type": "full",
"spamspamspamspam": "2016-08-26T15:20:12Z",
"spam_transaction": "ABS32402983SAJFDAJFS"
got = {
"spam_id": "32102903",
"spam_code": "spam",
"spam_method": "thorough",
"spam_type": "full",
"spamspamspamspam": "2016-08-26T15:21:12Z",
"spam_transaction": "ABS32402983SAJFDAJFS"