This is what I was able to throw together in a couple of nights. I'm pretty sure I was able to tackle most of the requirements however I wish I had more time to go through and polish it some more and add more tests.
###What's Here
A simple app to allow the creation of employees with the capability to log clock in and out of a time tracking system. Depending on which type of employee they are, they can review a weeks worth of hours worked.
###What's Not Here
Controller Tests: I kept changing the controller actions frequently and on a time constraint didn't have the time to test each action
Integration Tests: Mostly same as above. I know how to write them and have done so frequently at my current position. We use Capybara with Cucumber
Javascript: I'm very familiar in javascript, however, I didn't have time to implement any additional features to showcase my javascript
Ruby 2.0.0p353
Rails 4.0.3
The application has some migrations. I had decided to change how some objects functioned midway through implmentation. Simply run:
rake db:migrate
I also added seed data. This should suffice for an SQL dump. To add the employees to your database run:
rake db:seed
You can see a sample of the app running on a free Heroku instance at
I hope this gives you an overview of my skills. I wish I had more time to go over it some more to add more tests, bells and whistles and prove some other skills I have in web development.
Feel free to check out a site I've been working on for my girlfriend. It's all done in backbone.js