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Finance Planner

🎬 Project Overview

An app to help with everything you need to know while making a huge fiancial decision like buying a new iPhone or a car or even planning your retirement.

Simple & clean ui and evethitng is rendered client side!!!

📸 Screenshots

Finance Planner App

Custom React Components

🥞 Tech Stack

  • Next.js - The React Framework
  • Chakra UI - React component library
  • Chart.js - JavaScript charting library

Tech Stack logo

🏁 Getting Started

First clone the repo

git clone

Next, install all the dependencies

npm install

Finally, run the development server:

npm run dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the magic.

📁 Folder Structure

├── components                  # All the custom components for the app
│   ├── Chart                   
│   │   └── LineChart.js        - Line Chart that uses Chartjs to map the data
│   ├── Footer
│   │   └── index.jsx           - Footer
│   ├── Layout
│   │   └── index.jsx           - Layout wraps all pages with header and footer
│   ├── MenuCustom
│   │   └── index.js            - Menu used for naviagation in the topbar
│   ├── Navbar
│   │   └── index.jsx           - Top bar of the app
│   ├── TypewriterEffect
│   │   └── index.jsx           - Typewritter effect for the hero
│   └── logic
│       └── index.js            - All the logic for calcualtions
├── pages                        # All the pages for the app  
│   ├── _app.js
│   ├── api
│   │   └── hello.js
│   ├── home
│   │   └── index.js            - Homepage
│   ├── index.js
│   ├── long-term-plan          -  Long Term Planning pages        
│   │   └── [planId]            -  Dynanamic Routing to Retirement, Education, etc
│   │       └── index.js        
│   └── purchase-plan           
│       └── [productId]         -  Short Term Planning pages        
│           └── index.js        - Dynamic Routing to Mobile, Car, etc
├── public
│   ├── favicon.ico
│   └── vercel.svg
├── styles
│   ├── Home.module.css
│   └── globals.css
└── variables
    ├── charts.js
    └── general.js

👩‍⚖️ License

Copyright © 2014-present Joel Mascarenhas. This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the LICENSE file.

Made with ♥ and ☕️ by Joel Mascarenhas.


Finance Planner App build on Next.js







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