Markdown Table Generator
Markdown Table Generator is a Python-based graphical user interface (GUI) tool built using the tkinter library. It provides users with a convenient way to create and manipulate Markdown tables from plain text input. This README provides comprehensive instructions on how to use the Markdown Table Generator, its features, and functionalities.
Header Setting: Set a header for your Markdown table. Text Manipulation: Convert text to uppercase or lowercase. Filtering and Markdown Generation: Apply filters to input text and generate Markdown tables. Search and Replace: Search for specific text and replace it within the input text. Undo and Redo: Undo and redo changes in the input text. Pokegen Mode: A specialized mode for generating Markdown tables from specific text formats. Installation
Clone the repository or download the source code files. Ensure you have Python installed on your system. Install the required dependencies using pip: bash Copy code pip install tkinter Run the application by executing the file: bash Copy code python Usage
Header Setting:
Enter the desired header text in the "Header" entry field. Click on the "Set Header" button to set the header. The active header will be displayed below the entry field. Text Manipulation:
Enter text in the large text input area. Use the "To Uppercase" button to convert text to uppercase. Use the "To Lowercase" button to convert text to lowercase. Filtering and Markdown Generation:
Enter filter criteria in the "Include" and "Exclude" entry fields. Click on "Generate Markdown" to create a Markdown table based on the input text, applying filters if specified. The generated Markdown will appear in the disabled text output area. Search and Replace:
Enter the search query in the "Search" entry field. Click on "Search" to highlight occurrences of the query in the input text. Use the "Replace" button to replace occurrences of the query with a new text. Undo and Redo:
Use Ctrl+Z (Command+Z on macOS) to undo changes in the input text. Use Ctrl+Y (Command+Y on macOS) to redo changes. Pokegen Mode: (Advanced)
The "pokegen_mode" function processes text in a specific format and generates a Markdown table directly. This functionality is not integrated into the GUI but can be called programmatically. Contributing
Contributions to the Markdown Table Generator project are welcome. If you have suggestions, bug reports, or would like to contribute code, please follow these steps:
This project was developed by Johnnyp. But created by ChatGPT 4o. Special thanks to the contributors and the tkinter library for providing the GUI framework.
For any inquiries or support, please contact through github.