A plugin for maubot that helps with polls in a matrix room. It responds to !poll messages and counts reactions.
Request help from the bot:
Create a new Poll
!poll "Question" "Choice1" "Choice2"
!poll Question
To use custom emojis just use an emoji for as the first character of a choice
!poll "How are you?" "👍️Good" "👎️Bad"
If you want the bot to just reacting to your message instead of responding with a separate message:
!lightpoll "How are you?" "👍️Good" "👎️Bad"
Display the results of the latest poll in the room
Display the results of the specified poll in the room
!pollresults ID
Users vote by reacting with the corresponding emoji.
For mac OS:
fswatch poll.py | xargs -I{} bash -c "zip pollar.mbp maubot.yaml poll.py && curl -XPUT http://localhost:29316/_matrix/maubot/v1/plugin/de.jojoob.matrix.pollbot -H 'Authorization: Bearer TOKEN' --data-binary @pollar.mbp