This library allows calibration of neural networks. See ( for detailed problem description and solutions.
Modern deep architectures have good prediction power, but are generally over confident. The idea is to use a validation set after initial training in order to add a distillation phase between training and production (predictions) allowing to calibrate confidence over this unseen set. The output of this library is a distillation temperature to be used for scaling logits before softmax a prediction time (logits should be divided by final temperature before softmax).
Either liblbfgs (liblbfgs-dev on ubuntu) or lbfgspp ( that needs eigen.
Cmake based. If USE_LBFGSPP is turned off, then LBFGS_LIB is mandatory (auto detected in standard pathes); inversely, if LBFGS_LIB is not found, USE_LBFGSPP is forced to on. in details:
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
for using system liblbfgs orcmake .. -DLBFGSPP_LIB=path/to/lbfgspp_clone
API is going to change !!!
important methods:
TempScaler::setData(logits, validation_true_labels)
TempScaler::calibrate() gives the final temperature
CalibrationError::setData(confidences, predictions, targets)
CalibrationError::ECE() gives expected calibration error
CalibrationError::MCE() gives maximum calibration error
CalibrationError::percents() gives percent of samples per confidence bin
CalibrationError::accuracies() gives accuracies per confidence bin
CalibrationError::to_py() output a matploblib'ed python file showing graphs as in (