ESP32 spectrum analyzer with INMP441 I2S microphone and a space arcade game with bluetooth control via any Android device.
The demo gifs are with a 64x64 P2 led panel.
Px Led Panel(P2, P2.5, P3, P5, etc...). First you have to make your led panel to work. To setup and troubleshoot visit the following link
INMP441 I2S microphone.
ESP32 dev board, the exact type doesn't matter.
Any android devce with bluetooth.
Esp32 1.0.4 -> Board manager library -> Use only the 1.0.4 version, with higher versions will not work the audio process
FastLED -> Arduino libraries manager -> This library is used for color manipulation
ArduinoFFT -> Arduino libraries manager -> This library is used for audio process
BluetoothSerial -> Built in -> This library is used for ESP32 and Android device comunication via bluetooth
Preferences -> Built in -> This library is used to save some preferences in the EPS32 memory
PxMatrix -> Included in the project and is used to control a Px matrix panel visit this link to setup and troubleshoot your Px matrix panel!!!!!!
Adafruit GFX -> Arduino libraries manager -> This library is needed for the PxMatrix header
Adafruit BusIO -> Arduino libraries manager -> This library is needed for the PxMatrix header
Wire your ESP32 properly.
Upload the arduino code to your ESP32 device.
Install the Esp32.apk tou your android device.
SPECTRUM SETTINGS - Accesss the spectrum settings.
SPACE ARCADE GAME - Start the arcade game.
SELECT BLUETOOTH - Select the esp32 bluetooth, it is saved and you don't have to reselect all the time.
ESP32 DEEP SLEEP - Pauses the audio process and sets the led brightness to 0, so only the bluetooth will remain in function and after restarting the android app the spectrum analyzer will be activated automatically. It is like a switch off, except the bluetooth.
NEXT PATTERN - You can switch between the built in patterns.
SMOOTH SPECTRUM - You can enable or disable the smooth spectrum.
BRIGHTNESS - Led brightness setting. It consumes amps. If you use it with PC or something, at maximum brightness can freeze the esp. A phone charger has enough amps to use it on maximum brightness.
GAIN - Increases the sensitivity of the microphone to adjust for louder or quieter environoments.
SQUELCH - Increasing this value puts a limit on the quietest sounds that will be picked up. Useful for if you have some background noise to remove.
RESET (DEFAULTS) - Resets all the spectrum settings.
It is a simple arcade game. You have to move left and right to destroy the enemy ships. Fireing is automatic and when you destroy the whole row of enemies the game will speed up each time. Each destroyed enemy is one point.