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The goal of this project is to generate a PostgreSQL database that hosts structured data related to song and user activity with the purpose of having a playground where we can obtain quick insigts via SQL queries. In order to implement this we will organize the database into different tables with a star shaped schema and ingest the data by means of and ETL (extract, transform, load) procedure.

Song and Log datasets

The data used in this project is contained in two datasets: the Song dataset and the Log dataset. Both datasets can be found in the directory ./data.

Song dataset

The Song dataset is a subset of the Million Song Dataset. The data is organized in with the following file structure

└── A
    ├── A
    │   ├── A
    │   ├── B
    │   └── C
    └── B
        ├── A
        ├── B
        └── C

where the parameters of the song (song_id, title, duration, etc...) and the information of its artist (artist id, artist name, artist location, etc...) are written in JSON format. As an example, you can find below the data corresponding to the song ./data/song_data/A/A/A/TRAAAAW128F429D538.json

   "artist_location":"California - LA",
   "title":"I Didn't Mean To",

Log dataset

The Log dataset contains information related to the data generated by the simulator of events Eventsim. Like the Song files, each log entry is written in JSON format and labeled by date. The log files contain similar data as the one present in activity logs from music streaming applications. Below you can find an example that ilustrates the schema of the log files

    "auth":"Logged In", 
    "location":"Phoenix-Mesa-Scottsdale, AZ",
    "song":"You Gotta Be",
    "userAgent":"\"Mozilla\/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit\/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome\/35.0.1916.153 Safari\/537.36\"",

Database description

Since we are going to create the database from scratch we are going to design the database in a normalized fashion with a star schema. The star schema is widely used to implement databases where a heavy number of OLTP transactions will take place (like SQL DML statements). To this end, we are going to employ the songplays table as fact table and users, songs, artists and time as dimension tables. While the fact table encapsulates the information about the songs played by the users along time, the dimension ones are employed for descriptive purposes like song, user, artists and time related data. The fields corresponding to each one of them are detailed below.

songplays fact table

start_time BIGINT, 
user_id INT, 
level VARCHAR, 
song_id VARCHAR, 
artist_id VARCHAR, 
session_id INT, 
location VARCHAR, 
user_agent VARCHAR

users dimension table

first_name VARCHAR,
last_name VARCHAR,
gender VARCHAR,

songs dimension table

title VARCHAR,
artist_id VARCHAR,
year INT,
duration FLOAT

artists dimension table

artist_name VARCHAR,
artist_location VARCHAR,
artist_latitude INT,
artist_longitude INT

time dimension table

hour INT,
day INT,
week INT,
month INT,
year INT,
weekday INT

As one can see in the following figure, the fact table is connected to the dimension tables with foreign keys that make possible the use of JOIN statements to bring the data alltogether. This will be usefull when we need to get insights that require information from different tables.

Database schema structure

Database setup and ETL pipeline

An automatized procedure was created in order to set-up the database with the aforementioned star schema and to integrate the song and log data in the database. Such a procedure is carried out in two separate steps: (1) database generation and (2) data ingestion. These stages are encapsulated in the python scripts ./ and ./ respectively. Below you can find a brief description of how they work.

  1. Database generation: the script ./ makes use of the python library psycopg2 to create both the database named sparkify and the fact and dimensions tables. This is achieved my means of CREATE DATABASE and CREATE TABLE SQL DDL statements. As a measure of caution, before any CREATE operation a DROP DATABASE (or DROP TABLE) statement is executed.

  2. Data ingestion: the script ./ contains the ETL pipeline employed to ingest the song and log data located in ./data into the songplays, users, songs, artists and time tables. Similarly to the above step, the psycopg2 library is used to set up a connecttion to the sparkify database and, after the data is extracted and transformed into the correct format, different INSERT SQL statements are employed to ingest data into these tables. This procedure is divided in two separate methods process_song_file and process_log_file according to the source of the raw data.

Example queries

After the database is set up one can execute SQL queries to obtain insights on the data. Example queries are provided below:

Example query 1: How many users purchased the paid subscription? In comparison, are there more free tier users than paid subscriptions?

    COUNT(level) as level_count 
FROM users 
GROUP BY level 
ORDER BY level_count DESC

Example query 2: What are the longest songs in the database?

FROM songs 
ORDER BY duration DESC 

Example query 3: How many songs and artists are there in the database?

    COUNT(DISTINCT(song_id)) AS number_songs, 
    COUNT(DISTINCT(artist_id)) AS number_artists 
FROM songs 

The queries above are included in the notebook ./example_queries.ipynb.


Below you can find the requirements to run the scripts ./ and ./

  1. psycopg2
  2. pandas


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