This library is a collection of tools helpful to analyse flood events of the Historical Flood Event (HFE) Database issued by Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) (here). A documentation of the tools and their usage can be found here. Below are instructions on how to setup a Python environment with requirements to run tools of this collection. It also contains instructions on how to test the various functions. Questions can be directed to Julie Mai or through the issues section here.
The code is published under Zenodo. Please cite the following if you are using it:
Mai, Juliane. (2022).
Historical Flood Event Python Toolkit (v1.0.1).
It is recommended to use pyenv
to setup a Python environment. An installation guide can be found here. Additionally, the GDAL library needs to be installed before setting up the Python environment. Please use, for example, brew install gdal
or your native package installer to get GDAL. Test if it is installed by checking the version number using gdal-config --version
. Then proceed to setup the Python environment.
pyenv virtualenv 3.8.5 env-3.8.5-nrcan
pyenv activate env-3.8.5-nrcan
pip install GDAL==$(gdal-config --version) --global-option=build_ext --global-option="-I/usr/include/gdal"
pip install argparse
pip install numpy
pip install scipy
pip install geopandas
pip install netCDF4
pip install xarray
pip install pygrib
pip install matplotlib
python -m pip install basemap
pip install -U pytest
# optional
pip install ipython
pyenv virtualenv 3.8.5 env-3.8.5-nrcan
pyenv activate env-3.8.5-nrcan
pip install -r /path/to/nrcan-hfe/src/requirements.txt
Helpful commands can be found here. Syntax on how to install various packages can be found here by using search bar to find packages.
conda create -n env-conda-3.8 python=3.8
conda activate env-conda-3.8
conda install -n env-conda-3.8 -c conda-forge gdal
conda install -n env-conda-3.8 -c conda-forge argparse
conda install -n env-conda-3.8 -c conda-forge numpy
conda install -n env-conda-3.8 -c conda-forge scipy
conda install -n env-conda-3.8 -c conda-forge geopandas
conda install -n env-conda-3.8 -c conda-forge netcdf4
conda install -n env-conda-3.8 -c conda-forge xarray
conda install -n env-conda-3.8 -c conda-forge pygrib
conda install -n env-conda-3.8 -c conda-forge matplotlib
conda install -n env-conda-3.8 -c conda-forge basemap
conda install -n env-conda-3.8 -c conda-forge basemap-data-hires
conda install -n env-conda-3.8 -c conda-forge pytest
# optional
conda install -n env-conda-3.8 -c conda-forge ipython
cd nrcan-hfe
mkdir env-3.8
module purge
module load StdEnv/2020 netcdf gcc/9.3.0 gdal/3.0.4
module load mpi4py proj
module load python/3.8
virtualenv --no-download env-3.8
source env-3.8/bin/activate
pip install --no-index --upgrade pip
pip install numpy --no-index
pip install GDAL --no-index
pip install argparse --no-index
pip install geopandas --no-index
pip install netCDF4 --no-index
pip install scipy --no-index
pip install xarray --no-index
pip install pygrib --no-index
pip install matplotlib --no-index
pip install ipython --no-index
python -m pip install basemap --no-index
pip install -U pytest --no-index
All tests for pytest
are setup under src/tests
. Please run the following command to check that all tests pass before pushing any changes:
# check all tests (before push to this repo)
# check specific test (for development)
pytest src/tests/
All functions have build-in docstring tests that are checked by running the individual scripts. They will result in error messages if any test fails.
Analyse two single-point occurrences listed in data/hfe/historical_flood.json
# Maybe load some modules on your system?! (see, for example, the ones listed for Graham under D.)
# Load your Python environment.
pyenv activate env-3.8.5-nrcan
# Analyse occurrences.
# Note: These two feaures have been selected because they require data from Geomet.
# If you pick other ones, you might need to request RDRS v2.1 from CaSPAr first.
python src/ --ifeatures "2,3" --bbox_buffer 0.5 --dates_buffer 5.0,0.0 --tmpdir "/tmp/"
Analyse two multi-point events listed in data/hfe/historical_flood_event.json
# Maybe load some modules on your system?! (see, for example, the ones listed for Graham under D.)
# Load your Python environment.
pyenv activate env-3.8.5-nrcan
# Analyse events.
# Note: These two feaures have been selected because they require data from Geomet.
# If you pick other ones, you might need to request RDRS v2.1 from CaSPAr first.
python src/ --ifeatures "0,178" --bbox_buffer 0.5 --dates_buffer 5.0,0.0 --tmpdir "/tmp/"
Please refer to the documentation, for an explanation of the arguments passed to these functions as well as a documentation of the entire toolkit.