Update coverage, reporting approaches #1686
on: pull_request
Matrix: build
Matrix: jstest/lint
Matrix: acceptance
Matrix: source
Matrix: smoke
9 errors
jstest/lint (ubuntu, >=20,<21, >=4.0.12,<4.1.0a0, >=4):
AssertionError: /home/runner/work/jupyterlab-lsp/jupyterlab-lsp/requirements/lab.txt lab version is out-of-sync vs >=4.0.6,<5.0.0a0
assert '>=4.0.6,<5.0.0a0' in '# the version of jupyterlab\n-r ./prod.txt\njupyterlab >=4.0.10,<4.1.0a0\n'
+ where '# the version of jupyterlab\n-r ./prod.txt\njupyterlab >=4.0.10,<4.1.0a0\n' = <built-in method lower of str object at 0x7f216a799290>()
+ where <built-in method lower of str object at 0x7f216a799290> = '# the version of jupyterlab\n-r ./prod.txt\njupyterlab >=4.0.10,<4.1.0a0\n'.lower
+ where '# the version of jupyterlab\n-r ./prod.txt\njupyterlab >=4.0.10,<4.1.0a0\n' = <bound method Path.read_text of PosixPath('/home/runner/work/jupyterlab-lsp/jupyterlab-lsp/requirements/lab.txt')>(encoding='utf-8')
+ where <bound method Path.read_text of PosixPath('/home/runner/work/jupyterlab-lsp/jupyterlab-lsp/requirements/lab.txt')> = PosixPath('/home/runner/work/jupyterlab-lsp/jupyterlab-lsp/requirements/lab.txt').read_text
+ where PosixPath('/home/runner/work/jupyterlab-lsp/jupyterlab-lsp/requirements/lab.txt') = <class 'pathlib.Path'>('/home/runner/work/jupyterlab-lsp/jupyterlab-lsp/requirements/lab.txt')
+ where <class 'pathlib.Path'> = pathlib.Path
jstest/lint (ubuntu, >=20,<21, >=4.0.12,<4.1.0a0, >=4):
AssertionError: /home/runner/work/jupyterlab-lsp/jupyterlab-lsp/.github/workflows/job.test.yml lab version is out-of-sync vs >=4.0.6,<5.0.0a0
assert '>=4.0.6,<5.0.0a0' in 'name: ci\n\non:\n push:\n branches:\n - main\n - 3.x\n - 4.x\n pull_request:\n branches:\n - main\n - 3.x\n - 4.x\n workflow_dispatch:\n\n# todo: might need to tweak `group`\nconcurrency:\n group: ${{ github.ref }}\n cancel-in-progress: true\n\ndefaults:\n run:\n shell: bash -l {0}\n\nenv:\n julia_num_threads: 2\n mamba_no_banner: 1\n pip_disable_pip_version_check: 1\n pythonunbuffered: 1\n\n atest_processes: 2\n atest_retries: 3\n jlpm_cmd: jlpm install\n\n # increase this value to reset all caches\n cache_epoch: 4\n julia_langserver: 4.1.0\n\njobs:\n lint:\n name: jstest/lint\n runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}-latest\n strategy:\n matrix:\n os: [ubuntu]\n nodejs: [\'>=20,<21\']\n lab: [\'>=4.0.12,<4.1.0a0\']\n r: [\'>=4\']\n steps:\n - uses: actions/checkout@v4\n\n - uses: cschleiden/replace-tokens@v1\n with:\n tokenprefix: \'{\'\n tokensuffix: \'}\'\n files: \'["requirements/github-actions.yml"]\'\n env:\n lab: \'${{ matrix.lab }}\'\n nodejs: \'${{ matrix.nodejs }}\'\n\n - name: set up python and mamba\n uses: conda-incubator/setup-miniconda@v3\n with:\n environment-file: requirements/github-actions.yml\n miniforge-variant: mambaforge\n use-mamba: true\n\n - name: install linting dependencies\n run: mamba env update -n test --file requirements/lint.yml\n\n - name: check integrity of package versions\n run: python scripts/integrity.py\n\n - name: cache node_modules\n id: cache-node-modules\n uses: actions/cache@v4\n with:\n path: \'**/node_modules\'\n key: |\n ${{ env.cache_epoch }}-${{ runner.os }}-node-build-${{ hashfiles(\'yarn.lock\', \'requirements/github-actions.yml\') }}\n\n - name: cache yarn packages\n id: cache-yarn-packages\n if: steps.cache-node-modules.outputs.cache-hit != \'true\'\n uses: actions/cache@v4\n with:\n path: \'.yarn/cache\'\n key: |\n ${{ env.cache_epoch }}-yarn-${{ runner.os }}-${{ hashfiles(\'yarn.lock\') }}\n restore-keys: |\n ${{ env.cache_epoch }}-yarn-${{ runner.os }}-\n ${{ env.cache_epoch }}-yarn-\n\n - name: install npm dependencies\n if: steps.cache-node-modules.outputs.cache-hit != \'true\'\n run: ${{ env.jlpm_cmd }}\n\n - name: build frontend\n run: jlpm build\n\n - name: run frontend unit tests\n run: jlpm test --no-bail\n\n - name: lint backend\n run: python scripts/lint.py\n\n - name: \'revert templated file (todo: remove)\'\n run: git checkout requirements/github-actions.yml\n\n - name: lint frontend\n run: jlpm lint:check\n\n - name: check distributions\n run: python scripts/distcheck.py\n\n - name: rename uncached conda packages\n shell: bash\n run: mv "${conda_pkgs_dir}" "${conda_pkgs_dir}_do_not_cache"\n\n build:\n name: build\n runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}-latest\n strategy:\n matrix:\n os: [ubuntu]\n nodejs: [\'>=20,<21\']\n lab: [\'>=4.0.0,<5.0.0a0\']\n r: [\'>=4\']\n steps:\n - uses: actions/checkout@v4\n\n - uses: cschleiden/replace-tokens@v1\n with:\n tokenprefix: \'{\'\n tokensuffix: \'}\'\n files: \'["requirements/github-actions.yml"]\'\n env:\n lab: \'${{ matrix.lab }}\'\n nodejs: \'${{ matrix.nodejs }}\'\n\n - name: set up python and mamba\n uses: conda-incubator/setup-miniconda@v3\n with:\n miniforge-variant: mambaforge\n use-mamba: true\n\n - name: install minim
jstest/lint (ubuntu, >=20,<21, >=4.0.12,<4.1.0a0, >=4):
AssertionError: /home/runner/work/jupyterlab-lsp/jupyterlab-lsp/README.md lab version is out-of-sync vs >=4.0.6,<5.0.0a0
assert '>=4.0.6,<5.0.0a0' in '# language server protocol integration for jupyter(lab)\n\n[![tests](https://github.com/jupyter-lsp/jupyterlab-lsp/workflows/ci/badge.svg)](https://github.com/jupyter-lsp/jupyterlab-lsp/actions?query=workflow%3aci+branch%3amain)\n[![documentation status](https://readthedocs.org/projects/jupyterlab-lsp/badge/?version=latest)](https://jupyterlab-lsp.readthedocs.io/en/latest/?badge=latest)\n[![python demo](https://img.shields.io/badge/demo-python-blue)](https://mybinder.org/v2/gh/jupyter-lsp/demo-python/main?urlpath=lab)\n[![r demo](https://img.shields.io/badge/demo-r-blue)](https://mybinder.org/v2/gh/jupyter-lsp/demo-r/main?urlpath=lab)\n[![julia demo](https://img.shields.io/badge/demo-julia-blue)](https://mybinder.org/v2/gh/jupyter-lsp/demo-julia/main?urlpath=lab)\n[![binder](https://img.shields.io/badge/launch-dev_version-blue)](https://mybinder.org/v2/gh/jupyter-lsp/jupyterlab-lsp/main?urlpath=lab%2ftree%2fexamples%2fpython.ipynb)\n\n**[installation](#installation) | [configuring](./docs/configuring.ipynb) | [changelog](./changelog.md) | [roadmap](./docs/roadmap.ipynb) | [contributing](./contributing.md) | [extending](./docs/extending.ipynb)**\n\n## features\n\n> examples show python code, but most features also work in r, bash, typescript, and [many other languages][language-servers].\n\n### hover\n\nhover over any piece of code; if an underline appears, you can press <kbd>ctrl</kbd>\nto get a tooltip with function/class signature, module documentation or any other\npiece of information that the language server provides\n\n![hover](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jupyter-lsp/jupyterlab-lsp/main/examples/screenshots/hover.png)\n\n### diagnostics\n\ncritical errors have red underline, warnings are orange, etc. hover\nover the underlined code to see a more detailed message\n\n![inspections](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jupyter-lsp/jupyterlab-lsp/main/examples/screenshots/inspections.png)\n\n### jump to definition and references\n\nuse the context menu entry, or <kbd>alt</kbd> + :computer_mouse: to jump to definitions/references (you can change it to <kbd>ctrl</kbd>/<kbd>⌘</kbd> in settings); use <kbd>alt</kbd> + <kbd>o</kbd> to jump back.\n\n![jump](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jupyter-lsp/jupyterlab-lsp/main/examples/screenshots/jump_to_definition.png)\n\n### highlight references\n\nplace your cursor on a variable, function, etc and all the usages will be highlighted\n\n### automatic completion and continuous hinting\n\n- certain characters, for example \'.\' (dot) in python, will automatically trigger\n completion.\n- you can choose to receive the completion suggestions as you type by enabling `continuoushinting` setting.\n\n![invoke](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jupyter-lsp/jupyterlab-lsp/main/examples/screenshots/autocompletion.gif)\n\n### automatic signature suggestions\n\nfunction signatures will automatically be displayed\n\n![signature](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jupyter-lsp/jupyterlab-lsp/main/examples/screenshots/signature.png)\n\n### kernel-less autocompletion\n\nadvanced static-analysis autocompletion without a running kernel\n\n![autocompletion](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jupyter-lsp/jupyterlab-lsp/main/examples/screenshots/completions-julia-python-r.gif)\n\n#### the runtime kernel suggestions are still there\n\nwhen a kernel is available the suggestions from the kernel (such as keys of a\ndict and columns of a dataframe) are merged with the suggestions\nfrom the language server (in notebook).\n\nif the kernel is too slow to respond promptly only the language server suggestions will be shown (default threshold: 0.6s).\nyou can configure the completer to not attempt to fetch the kernel completions if the kernel is busy (skipping the 0.6s timeout).\n\nyou can deactivate the kernel suggestions by adding `"kernel"` to the `disablecompletionsfrom` in the `c
jstest/lint (ubuntu, >=20,<21, >=4.0.12,<4.1.0a0, >=4):
AssertionError: /home/runner/work/jupyterlab-lsp/jupyterlab-lsp/binder/environment.yml lab version is out-of-sync vs >=4.0.6,<5.0.0a0
assert '>=4.0.6,<5.0.0a0' in 'name: jupyterlab-lsp\n\nchannels:\n - conda-forge\n - nodefaults\n\ndependencies:\n # runtime dependencies\n - python >=3.8,<3.13.0a0\n - jupyterlab >=4.0.10,<4.1.0a0\n - jupyter_server >=1.1.2\n - notebook >=7\n # build dependencies\n - nodejs >=18,!=19,!=21,<23\n # for python language server (and development)\n - flake8 >=3.5\n - pip\n - pylint\n # pyls-black was not migrated to pylsp yet\n # - pyls-black\n # pyls-isort already migrated to pylsp but there is no point enabling\n # it right now as we do not support actions support yet (prs welcome)\n # - pyls-isort\n - pylsp-mypy\n - python-lsp-server\n - ruamel_yaml\n # for r language server and kernel\n - r\n # workaround for https://github.com/jupyterhub/repo2docker/issues/1140\n - r-base=4.0\n - r-irkernel\n - r-languageserver\n - rpy2\n # for tex\n - tectonic\n - texlab\n - chktex\n # robotframework\n - robotframework >=7\n - robotframework-lsp\n - robotframework-robocop\n - robotframework-tidy\n # todo: handle upstream\n # - robotkernel\n # - jupyterlab_robotmode\n # test tools\n - pytest-asyncio\n - pytest-cov\n - pytest-github-actions-annotate-failures\n - pytest-html\n - pytest-xdist\n - pytoolconfig\n - ruamel_yaml\n # lint tools\n - black\n - isort\n - mypy\n - pip\n - robotframework-robocop\n - robotframework-tidy\n'
+ where 'name: jupyterlab-lsp\n\nchannels:\n - conda-forge\n - nodefaults\n\ndependencies:\n # runtime dependencies\n - python >=3.8,<3.13.0a0\n - jupyterlab >=4.0.10,<4.1.0a0\n - jupyter_server >=1.1.2\n - notebook >=7\n # build dependencies\n - nodejs >=18,!=19,!=21,<23\n # for python language server (and development)\n - flake8 >=3.5\n - pip\n - pylint\n # pyls-black was not migrated to pylsp yet\n # - pyls-black\n # pyls-isort already migrated to pylsp but there is no point enabling\n # it right now as we do not support actions support yet (prs welcome)\n # - pyls-isort\n - pylsp-mypy\n - python-lsp-server\n - ruamel_yaml\n # for r language server and kernel\n - r\n # workaround for https://github.com/jupyterhub/repo2docker/issues/1140\n - r-base=4.0\n - r-irkernel\n - r-languageserver\n - rpy2\n # for tex\n - tectonic\n - texlab\n - chktex\n # robotframework\n - robotframework >=7\n - robotframework-lsp\n - robotframework-robocop\n - robotframework-tidy\n # todo: handle upstream\n # - robotkernel\n # - jupyterlab_robotmode\n # test tools\n - pytest-asyncio\n - pytest-cov\n - pytest-github-actions-annotate-failures\n - pytest-html\n - pytest-xdist\n - pytoolconfig\n - ruamel_yaml\n # lint tools\n - black\n - isort\n - mypy\n - pip\n - robotframework-robocop\n - robotframework-tidy\n' = <built-in method lower of str object at 0x55e0702fbe90>()
+ where <built-in method lower of str object at 0x55e0702fbe90> = 'name: jupyterlab-lsp\n\nchannels:\n - conda-forge\n - nodefaults\n\ndependencies:\n # runtime dependencies\n - python >=3.8,<3.13.0a0\n - jupyterlab >=4.0.10,<4.1.0a0\n - jupyter_server >=1.1.2\n - notebook >=7\n # build dependencies\n - nodejs >=18,!=19,!=21,<23\n # for python language server (and development)\n - flake8 >=3.5\n - pip\n - pylint\n # pyls-black was not migrated to pylsp yet\n # - pyls-black\n # pyls-isort already migrated to pylsp but there is no point enabling\n # it right now as we do not support actions support yet (PRs welcome)\n # - pyls-isort\n - pylsp-mypy\n - python-lsp-server\n - ruamel_yaml\n # for R language server and kernel\n - r\n # workaround for https://github.com/jupyterhub/repo2docker/issues/1140\n - r-base=4.0\n - r-irkernel\n - r-languageserver\n - rpy2\n # for tex\n - tectonic\n - texlab\n - chktex\n # robotframework\n - robotframework >=7\n - robotframework-lsp\n - robotframework-robocop\n - robotfr
jstest/lint (ubuntu, >=20,<21, >=4.0.12,<4.1.0a0, >=4):
AssertionError: /home/runner/work/jupyterlab-lsp/jupyterlab-lsp/docs/rtd.yml lab version is out-of-sync vs >=4.0.6,<5.0.0a0
assert '>=4.0.6,<5.0.0a0' in '# minimal possible conda env for modern nodejs\nname: jupyterlab-lsp-docs\n\nchannels:\n - conda-forge\n - nodefaults\n\ndependencies:\n - importlib_metadata\n - jupyterlab >=4.0.10,<4.1.0a0\n - myst-nb\n - nodejs >=18,!=19,!=21,<23\n - pandas\n - pip\n - pytest-check-links\n - python >=3.8,<3.13.0a0\n - python-graphviz\n - python-lsp-server\n - robotframework >=7\n - robotframework-lsp\n - sphinx\n - sphinx-autodoc-typehints\n - sphinx-book-theme>=0.3.2 # force recent sphinx-book-theme version\n # (which does not yet support sphinx 5.0 so instead a very early 0.0.3\n # version was getting installed); this constraint and the constraint\n # on pydata-sphinx-theme below can be removed once:\n # https://github.com/executablebooks/sphinx-book-theme/issues/575\n # and\n # https://github.com/executablebooks/sphinx-book-theme/issues/571\n # are resolved\n - pydata-sphinx-theme>=0.7.2 # https://github.com/executablebooks/jupyter-book/issues/1569\n - sphinx-copybutton\n'
+ where '# minimal possible conda env for modern nodejs\nname: jupyterlab-lsp-docs\n\nchannels:\n - conda-forge\n - nodefaults\n\ndependencies:\n - importlib_metadata\n - jupyterlab >=4.0.10,<4.1.0a0\n - myst-nb\n - nodejs >=18,!=19,!=21,<23\n - pandas\n - pip\n - pytest-check-links\n - python >=3.8,<3.13.0a0\n - python-graphviz\n - python-lsp-server\n - robotframework >=7\n - robotframework-lsp\n - sphinx\n - sphinx-autodoc-typehints\n - sphinx-book-theme>=0.3.2 # force recent sphinx-book-theme version\n # (which does not yet support sphinx 5.0 so instead a very early 0.0.3\n # version was getting installed); this constraint and the constraint\n # on pydata-sphinx-theme below can be removed once:\n # https://github.com/executablebooks/sphinx-book-theme/issues/575\n # and\n # https://github.com/executablebooks/sphinx-book-theme/issues/571\n # are resolved\n - pydata-sphinx-theme>=0.7.2 # https://github.com/executablebooks/jupyter-book/issues/1569\n - sphinx-copybutton\n' = <built-in method lower of str object at 0x55e070324640>()
+ where <built-in method lower of str object at 0x55e070324640> = '# minimal possible conda env for modern nodejs\nname: jupyterlab-lsp-docs\n\nchannels:\n - conda-forge\n - nodefaults\n\ndependencies:\n - importlib_metadata\n - jupyterlab >=4.0.10,<4.1.0a0\n - myst-nb\n - nodejs >=18,!=19,!=21,<23\n - pandas\n - pip\n - pytest-check-links\n - python >=3.8,<3.13.0a0\n - python-graphviz\n - python-lsp-server\n - robotframework >=7\n - robotframework-lsp\n - sphinx\n - sphinx-autodoc-typehints\n - sphinx-book-theme>=0.3.2 # force recent sphinx-book-theme version\n # (which does not yet support sphinx 5.0 so instead a very early 0.0.3\n # version was getting installed); this constraint and the constraint\n # on pydata-sphinx-theme below can be removed once:\n # https://github.com/executablebooks/sphinx-book-theme/issues/575\n # and\n # https://github.com/executablebooks/sphinx-book-theme/issues/571\n # are resolved\n - pydata-sphinx-theme>=0.7.2 # https://github.com/executablebooks/jupyter-book/issues/1569\n - sphinx-copybutton\n'.lower
+ where '# minimal possible conda env for modern nodejs\nname: jupyterlab-lsp-docs\n\nchannels:\n - conda-forge\n - nodefaults\n\ndependencies:\n - importlib_metadata\n - jupyterlab >=4.0.10,<4.1.0a0\n - myst-nb\n - nodejs >=18,!=19,!=21,<23\n - pandas\n - pip\n - pytest-check-links\n - python >=3.8,<3.13.0a0\n - python-graphviz\n - python-lsp-server\n - robotframework >=7\n - robotframework-lsp\n - sphinx\n - sphinx-autodoc-typehints\n - sphinx-book-theme>=0.3.2 # force recent sphinx-book-theme version\n # (which does not yet support sphinx 5.0 so instead a very early 0.0.3\n # version was getting installed); this constraint and the constraint\n # on pydata-sphinx-the
jstest/lint (ubuntu, >=20,<21, >=4.0.12,<4.1.0a0, >=4):
assert 0 == 2
+ where 0 = <built-in method count of str object at 0x55e0713762b0>('python >=3.8,<3.13.0a0')
+ where <built-in method count of str object at 0x55e0713762b0> = '{\n "cells": [\n {\n "cell_type": "code",\n "execution_count": 1,\n "metadata": {\n "execution": {\n "iopub.execute_input": "2024-02-08T00:57:02.197534Z",\n "iopub.status.busy": "2024-02-08T00:57:02.197181Z",\n "iopub.status.idle": "2024-02-08T00:57:02.200956Z",\n "shell.execute_reply": "2024-02-08T00:57:02.200505Z"\n },\n "tags": [\n "remove-cell"\n ]\n },\n "outputs": [],\n "source": [\n "import sys\\n",\n "\\n",\n "from format_markdown import markdown\\n",\n "\\n",\n "sys.path.insert(0, \\"..\\")"\n ]\n },\n {\n "cell_type": "code",\n "execution_count": 2,\n "metadata": {\n "execution": {\n "iopub.execute_input": "2024-02-08T00:57:02.202584Z",\n "iopub.status.busy": "2024-02-08T00:57:02.202425Z",\n "iopub.status.idle": "2024-02-08T00:57:02.205559Z",\n "shell.execute_reply": "2024-02-08T00:57:02.205123Z"\n },\n "tags": [\n "remove-cell"\n ]\n },\n "outputs": [],\n "source": [\n "from versions import (\\n",\n " JUPYTER_LSP_VERSION,\\n",\n " JUPYTERLAB_LSP_VERSION,\\n",\n " JUPYTERLAB_NEXT_MAJOR_VERSION,\\n",\n " JUPYTERLAB_VERSION,\\n",\n " REQUIRED_JUPYTER_SERVER,\\n",\n " REQUIRED_JUPYTERLAB,\\n",\n " REQUIRED_PYTHON,\\n",\n ")"\n ]\n },\n {\n "cell_type": "markdown",\n "metadata": {},\n "source": [\n "## Installation\\n",\n "\\n",\n "### Please Read This First\\n",\n "\\n",\n "Delivering LSP features to your JupyterLab **requires** three pieces:\\n",\n "\\n",\n "#### 1. `jupyter-lsp`"\n ]\n },\n {\n "cell_type": "code",\n "execution_count": 3,\n "metadata": {\n "execution": {\n "iopub.execute_input": "2024-02-08T00:57:02.207638Z",\n "iopub.status.busy": "2024-02-08T00:57:02.207308Z",\n "iopub.status.idle": "2024-02-08T00:57:02.212768Z",\n "shell.execute_reply": "2024-02-08T00:57:02.212266Z"\n },\n "tags": [\n "remove-input"\n ]\n },\n "outputs": [\n {\n "data": {\n "text/markdown": [\n "- runs in your `jupyter_server` application on your server to handle requests from\\n",\n " the browser to _language servers_\\n",\n "- to run, you need:\\n",\n " - `python >=3.8,<3.11.0a0`\\n",\n " - `jupyter_server >=1.1.2`\\n"\n ],\n "text/plain": [\n "<IPython.core.display.Markdown object>"\n ]\n },\n "execution_count": 3,\n "metadata": {},\n "output_type": "execute_result"\n }\n ],\n "source": [\n "%%markdown\\n",\n "- runs in your `jupyter_server` application on your server to handle requests from\\n",\n " the browser to _language servers_\\n",\n "- to run, you need:\\n",\n " - `python {REQUIRED_PYTHON}`\\n",\n " - `jupyter_server {REQUIRED_JUPYTER_SERVER}`"\n ]\n },\n {\n "cell_type": "markdown",\n "metadata": {\n "tags": []\n },\n "source": [\n "#### 2. `jupyterlab-lsp`"\n ]\n },\n {\n "cell_type": "code",\n "execution_count": 4,\n "metadata": {\n "execution": {\n "iopub.execute_input": "2024-02-08T00:57:02.242416Z",\n "iopub.status.busy": "2024-02-08T00:57:02.242030Z",\n "iopub.status.idle": "2024-02-08T00:57:02.245709Z",\n "shell.execute_reply": "2024-02-08T00:57:02.245250Z"\n },\n "tags": [\n "remove-input"\n ]\n },\n "outputs": [\n {\n "data": {\n "text/markdown": [\n "- runs in your browser, as an extension to JupyterLab\\n",\n "- to install it, you need:\\n",\n " - `jupyterlab >=4.0.6,<5.0.0a0`\\n"\n ],\n "text/plain": [\n "<IPython.core.display.Markdown object>"\n ]\n },\n "execution_count": 4,\n "metadata": {},\n "output_type": "execute_result"\n }\n ],\n "source": [\n "%%markdown\\n",\n "- runs in your browser, as an ext
jstest/lint (ubuntu, >=20,<21, >=4.0.12,<4.1.0a0, >=4):
AssertionError: assert '<5.0.0a0,>=4.0.6' == '<4.1.0a0,>=4.0.10'
- <4.1.0a0,>=4.0.10
? ^ ^ ^^
+ <5.0.0a0,>=4.0.6
? ^ ^ ^
jstest/lint (ubuntu, >=20,<21, >=4.0.12,<4.1.0a0, >=4)
Process completed with exit code 1.
build (ubuntu, >=20,<21, >=4.0.0,<5.0.0a0, >=4)
Process completed with exit code 1.