Various utilities and helper functions for any kind of web-project.
Meant to serve as a library for all kinds of useful features, where only the needed logic for the current project should be cherry-picked to keep the code-base lean and performant.
- browser.js - Functions regarding browser-specific actions like reading/manipulating the query parameters;
- clipboard.js - Copies an input value to the clipboard of the OS;
- debug.js - Simplified and extended versions of common debug functions;
- arrays.js - Helper functions that extend the array prototype;
- logic.js - Basic functions for validating variable values or other general actions. Should be included in most other scripts that depend on these functions;
- math.js - Helpers for math based actions;
- strings.js - Helpers for string operations;
- time.js - Date&Time utilities;
- dictionary.js - Class for creating a dictionary for efficient lookup of all previously provided words.
- eyedropper.js - Initialize the browser-native eyedropper feature to pick the HEX-code for any color on the screen;
- suggestion.js - A class for creating inline-suggestions next to the current element by trying to match the current word with any element from the provided array;
- swipe-detect.js - Utility for detecting swipe-events;
- files.js - Helpers for local files;
- nodefs-api.js - A small API for simplifying the interaction with NodeFS;
- dom.js - Shorthands for common dom-related functions;
- exdom.js - A simplified and modernized alternative to jQuery based on cash-dom;
- forms.js - Form-validation utilities as well as helpers for gui controls like inputs, selects, ...;
- PHPMailer - A copy of the PHPMailer plugin for sending mails with the sendMail() function defined in main.php;
- contact.php - An example script showcasing a basic contact form utilizing the PHP template functions to generate the HTML and demonstrating the use of the attribute shortcodes. Also contains input checks and sends a mail after submission;
- website.php - An example website generated via the html.php template syntax;
- arrays.php - Helpers for arrays;
- enums.php - Base class for a custom enumerator implementation in php with an example for a language switcher;
- strings.php - Helpers for string manipulation;
- mysqli.php - Functions that simplify the connection to a MySQL database as well as helpers for quickly running SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE queries on it;
browser.php - Helpers for browser-specific actions;
debug.php - Useful debugging functions that allow to quickly output multiple variable in a formatted manner;
gui.php - Extensive helpers for creating gui controls like inputs, selects, etc;
html.php - A minimal html template framework for quickly and concisely writing HTML tags with PHP functions. Also converts the passed shortcodes to their full attributes;
main.php - General functions to be used in all other scripts;
plugins.php - Functions for optional plugins;
- external-link.svg - The icon to show next to external links;
_forms.scss - Form-related styles;
_fx.scss - Styles for optional special effects;
_lists.scss - List-related styles;
_mixing.scss - Common sass-functions to prevent code-duplication;
_typography.scss - Text-related styles;
_utilities.scss - Utility styles;
_vars.scss - Global variables;
globals.scss - Global styles and the entry point for the main stylesheet;