Releases: k8ssandra/cass-operator
Releases · k8ssandra/cass-operator
- [FEATURE] #263 Allow increasing the size of CassandraDataVolumeClaimSpec if the selected StorageClass supports it. This feature is currently behind a opt-in feature flag and requires an annotation true
to be set in the CassandraDatacenter. - [FEATURE] #646 Allow starting multiple parallel pods if they have already previously bootstrapped and not planned for replacement. Set annotation true
to enable this feature. - [ENHANCEMENT] #648 Make MinReadySeconds configurable value in the Spec.
- [ENHANCEMENT] #184 Add CassandraDatacenter.Status fields as metrics also
- [ENHANCEMENT] #199 If .spec.readOnlyRootFilesystem is set, run the cassandra container with readOnlyRootFilesystem. Also, modify the default SecurityContext to mention runAsNonRoot: true
- [ENHANCEMENT] #595 Update Vector to 0.39.0 and enforce the TOML file format in the starting command
- [BUGFIX] #681 Remove nodes rights from the operator as it is not required
- [FEATURE] #659 Add support for HCD serverType with versions 1.x.x. It will be deployed like Cassandra >= 4.1 for now.
- [FEATURE] #660 Add support for DSE version 6.9.x and remove support for DSE 7.x.x. DSE 6.9 will be deployed like DSE 6.8.
- [ENHANCEMENT] #663 Update k8ssandra-client for better Cassandra 5.0 config support
- [BUGFIX] #652 Update nodeStatuses info when a pod is recreated
- [BUGFIX] #656 After canary upgrade, it was not possible to continue upgrading rest of the nodes if the only change was removing the canary upgrade
- [BUGFIX] #657 If a change did not result in StatefulSet changes, a Ready -> Ready state would lose an ObservedGeneration update in the status
- [BUGFIX] #382 If StatefulSet has not caught up yet, do not allow any changes to it. Instead, requeue and wait (does not change behavior of forceRacksUpgrade)
- [CHANGE] #566 BREAKING: StatefulSets will no longer be automatically updated if CassandraDatacenter is not modified, unless an annotation "" is set to the CassandraDatacenter with value "always" or "once". This means users of config secret should set this variable to "always" to keep their existing behavior. For other users, this means that for example the upgrades of operator will no longer automatically apply updated settings or system-logger image. The benefit is that updating the operator no longer causes the cluster to have a rolling restart. A new condition to indicate such change could be necessary is called "RequiresUpdate" and it will be set to True until the next refresh of reconcile has happened.
- [CHANGE] #618 Update dependencies to support controller-runtime 0.17.2, modify required parts.
- [CHANGE] #575 Allow modification of PodTemplateSpec.ObjectMeta.Labels (it will cause a rolling restart as StatefulSet controller can't apply them without a restart)
- [ENHANCEMENT] #628 Replace pod task can replace any node, including those that have crashed
- [ENHANCEMENT] #532 Instead of rejecting updates/creates with deprecated fields, return kubectl warnings.
- [ENHANCEMENT] #637 Expand nodeStatuses to include IPs and racks.
- [BUGFIX] #639 Remove InvalidState check, there's no need to block reconcile here. Keep the InvalidState as information for the user only.
- [FEATURE] #601 Add additionalAnnotations field to CR so that all resources created by the operator can be annotated.
- [BUGFIX] #607 Add missing additional labels and annotations to the superuserSecret.
- [BUGFIX] #612 Improve error message handling in the task jobs by retaining the message that previously failed pod has generated