This chart bootstraps a K8ssandra cluster on a Kubernetes cluster using the Helm package manager. It assumes that you already have K8ssandra Operator installed. This is implemented as a reference implementation with the expectation that it will be forked and customized to fit individual user needs. Contributions are welcome!
- Helm
- Cert-Manager -
helm install cert-manager jetstack/cert-manager --namespace cert-manager --create-namespace --version v1.13.3 --set installCRDs=true
- K8ssandra Operator -
helm install k8ssandra-operator k8ssandra/k8ssandra-operator -n k8ssandra-operator --create-namespace --set global.clusterScoped=true
Create your own values.yaml
file based on the sample and then install the chart:
git clone
helm install k8ssandra-cluster ./k8ssandra-cluster -f values.yaml