This repository contains my projects code that I created (and am still creating) during my C/C++ learning journey. I moved some projects to another repos.
Here are some resources:
- pythontutor
- The Cherno - C++ playlist
- mycodeschool - DSA
- the linked list dsa code
- todo list app
- queue dsa code
- libms (library mangement system)
- animated text from right to left
- text based walking man animation
- the circular linked list
- the oop directory (that will includes the oop code).
- the problems directory (that will includes solution for problems from multiple platforms).
- organize the directory to contain problems from platfoms.
- some features to the todo list app
- use stack STL instead of mine.
- enhance code readability
- change task state (e.g., Completed, Canceled, ...)
- enhance display/output formatting
- save the tasks in a file
- due date handling
- make a command line prompt
- queue dsa (cpp version)
- stack dsa (c version)
- fix issues with an expected bahaviour like stack_count and more...
- tree dsa
- hash map dsa
move the problems to another repo.
move the projects to another repo.
- student DBMS
- Hangman Game
- Library Management System
If you have any questions, feedback, or suggestions, feel free to send an email.