This is a fork of Kaspa explorer used for the Karlsen network project written in JS with React.JS library.
This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.
For deploying the block explorer make sure that nodejs build
environment is set up by running npm --version
. The build requires
to configure the following mandatory environment variables:
which is the public address of the REST API endpoint.REACT_APP_KGI_ADDRESS
which is the public address of the graph inspector to inspect a specific block.
The API endpoint and Graph Inspector must operate on a web server secured with SSL.
Optionally you can specify the explorer version to show in the footer:
which is the version of the running explorer instance (default: xxxxxx).
Build the block explorer:
git clone
cd karlsen-explorer
export REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_COMMIT_SHA="$(git log -1 --date=short --format="%h" | tr -d '-')"
npm install
Start the block explorer:
node server.js
Do you have any new ideas, wishes or bugs for Kaspa explorer? Contact @lAmeR^#7173 at Kaspa Discord.
Do you have any new ideas, wishes or bugs for Karlsen explorer? Contact @Lemois#8277 at Karlsen Discord.
Please consider a donation for Kaspa explorer team: kaspa:qqkqkzjvr7zwxxmjxjkmxxdwju9kjs6e9u82uh59z07vgaks6gg62v8707g73
Please consider a donation for Karlsen explorer team: karlsen:qqe3p64wpjf5y27kxppxrgks298ge6lhu6ws7ndx4tswzj7c84qkjlrspcuxw