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Cordova Push Notify Plugin Demo

Application to demonstrate the use of native push notification on both Android & iOS devices through a Cordova push notification plugin. The plugin is a RequireJS compatible module.

The demo application uses a structure that I use for Cordova applications. It features:

  • Shared www directory to store application files (platform independent)
  • A directory for each target platform's project (Android and iOS)
  • RequireJS to manage JavaScript modules
  • Build script that optimize files for production use in Android/iOS
  • Bower to manage JavaScript dependencies
  • Handlebars.js for client-side templating
  • JQuery Mobile with proper lifecycle initialization for Cordova (not sure if this is a good idea)


Push notifications for Android uses Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) while iOS uses Apple Push Notification Service (APNS). These services that must be configured per application to use push notifications.

See links below this page to learn more about these.


  • Mac OS/Linux
    • XCode requires MacOS
    • Android project work with Windows with minimal tweaks (I just did not test the build scripts)
  • Android SDK to build Android project
  • XCode to build iOS project
  • Bower to download www dependencies


Build - www (All Platforms)

Download dependencies for the JavaScript application by executing bower install in src/www.

cd src/www
bower install

This will download all the necessary dependencies to src/www/components directory. This is only required for the first build and after changes the component.json file.

Optimize src/www to android/assets/www and ios/www with src/

cd src

This will run RequireJS's optimizer against src/www and copy the optimized files to the appropriate optimized www directory for Android (android/assets/www) & iOS (ios/www). Note that both of these optimized www directories are considered build output directories (contents will be deleted on each build) and should be used to update www source codes.

Each time contents in src/www changes, it needs to go through this process before building the Android/iOS application.

// TODO: automate building of src/www with a grunt task

Build - Android

  • Get a senderId from Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) to send push notifications to Android devices.
  • Change var senderId to your application's senderId in src/www/js/m/push-notify-demo.js.
  • Rebuild www files.
  • Build the Android project in the android directory & deploy.
    • You can use your favourite IDE with Android suport or Cordova's command line tools.
  • To send messages, refer to Test Environment section of phongap-build/PushPlugin.


  • Get a provisioning profile that includes Apple Push Notification Service (APNS) support to send push notifications to iOS devices.
  • To setup APNS, follow the instructions phonegap-build/PushPlugin and Ray Wenderlich blog's tutorial.
  • Build www files.
  • Build the XCode project with the provisioning profile that supports APNS.
  • To send messages, refer to Test Environment section of phongap-build/PushPlugin.

JavaScript Files


This is the JavaScript application/module that interacts with the push notification plugin. Check this file out to see how to interact with the plugin via JavaScript.


This is the push notification plugin's JavaScript code as a RequireJS module. Unless you are trying to customize the plugin (or fork it to fix bugs! :D), you should not need to edit this file. Just use it as a RequireJS dependency.


This is the main RequireJS module loaded from src/www/index.html. It is somewhat complicated due to the lifecycle management of JQuery Mobile (JQM) used in this demo. You do not really need any of these to use the push-notify module in your own application.


This is the RequireJS optimization tool's build file. It is referenced by src/

Android Files


This package contains the plugin specific Java/Android code.


This package contains the main Activity that extends from PushNotifyDroid. (Not really needed - need to clean up).


Android projects need to edit this file to include the plugin.

<plugin name="PushNotify" value="net.big2.pushnotify.PushNotifyPlugin" onload="true"/>

onload="true" will initialize the plugin when the application is loaded so that it can receive messages immediately.


Registers the required permissions, intent service & broadcast receiver that interacts with the plugin.

android/libs/gcm.jar and android-support-v13.jar

These are the JAR dependencies required for the plugin to work.

iOS Files

The iOS code can be found here:


There are plans to enhance this but at the moment, it is very similar to phonegap-build/PushPlugin.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: ...

A: ...



Android Push Notifications With PhoneGap

Local and Push Notification Programming Guide (Apple)

Google Cloud Messaging for Android (Android)

Apple Push Notification Services Tutorial: Part 1/2

Apple Push Notification Services Tutorial: Part 2/2


A huge thanks to Bob Easterday's (bobeast) PushPlugin & the culmulative work of others that made push notifications on Cordova possible.


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