This project aims to port into PHP the games of Code the classics Vol. 1 originally developed in Python.
It's not a web game with the backend in PHP but a fully PHP game.
It is possible thanks to the Php-SDL extension. You need also two PHP extensions for SDL_mixer (sound) and SDL_image (multiple image format loader).
- Boing! [Ready]
- Cavern [Ready]
- Infinite bunner [Ready 99%]
- Myriapod [Playable 95%]
- Substitute Soccer [TBD]
The games in this project depend on SDL PHP extensions. You can follow the installation instructions to get those extensions via PECL, source or PHPBrew.
You have to clone this repo (or download the archive) and run composer:
git clone
cd code-the-classics1-php
composer install
php src/Boing/boing.php
Menu selection Up, Down and Space to confirm.
Player 1 keys: Up or a and Down or z
Player 2 keys: k and m
php src/Bunner/bunner.php
Menu Space to start.
Player keys: wasd or ←↑→↓ to move.
php src/Cavern/cavern.php
Menu Space to start.
Player keys: a d or ← → to move left and right, w or ↑ to jump and space to fire bubbles.
php src/Myriapod/myriapod.php
Menu Space to start.
Player keys: wasd or ←↑→↓ to move and space to fire laser.
The assets are Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0) by Code the classics Vol. 1