Go implementation of the paillier cryptosystem and threshold paillier crytposystem.
Implementation of the paillier cryptosystem. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paillier_cryptosystem for an introduction.
The threshold paillier cryptosystem is a translation of the java version that can be found at http://cs.utdallas.edu/dspl/cgi-bin/pailliertoolbox/ that is an implementation of the algorithm defined in Damgård's paper "A Generalization of Paillier's Public-Key System with Applications to Electronic Voting".
Another important feature of the library is the ease of serilisation of all the structs in JSON and BSON.
Implements the paillier cryptosystem and threshold paillier crytposystem.
As any cryptographic library, if you use it, you need to trust it. Unfortunatly, this library as not been verified by a third party. There might be some bugs and vulnerabilities. If you find one, please fill a bug.
If you need to encrypt something serious, use the library provided by Go. If you want to have fun, use Paillier!