Single Page Application built using React. Tracks student interviews, and allows user to create, edit, delete appointments. Users can choose weekdays and book in available appointment slots. Days track how many spots are appointment slot are available. Data is persisted by the API server using a PostgreSQL database. The client application communicates with an API server over HTTP, using the JSON format. Jest tests are used through the development of the project.
Install dependencies with npm install
npm start
npm test
npm run storybook
Fork and clone the scheduler-api and follow the instructions:
For full functionality, run both API and client servers concurrently.
Axios Classnames Cypress Normalize.css React React-DOM React-scripts Babel/core Storybook/addon-actions Storybook/addon-backgrounds Storybook/addon-links Storybook/addons Storybook/react Testing-library/jest-dom Testing-library/react Testing-library/react-hooks Babel-loader Node-sass Prop-types React-test-renderer