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Container orchestration and networking for micro-service development


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This is a development tool which provides a well-defined and flexible means of running and developing your technology stack locally on your machine.

This tool is mainly beneficial to technology stacks which are distributed in nature and require lots of independent modules to run and speak to each other.

KL tries to assume as little as possible about systems being run in order to make it easy to use with any technology stack so long as the stack is or can be dockerized.




brew install kepler16/tap/kl


You can use the below script to automatically install the latest release

bash < <(curl -s

Or you can get the binaries directly from the GitHub releases page and put them on your PATH.

Initial Setup

If this is your first time using this tool on your machine then you will need to configure your system to resolve .test domains to This is essential for the networking components to work. How this should be configured depends on your operating system.


On macOS, you need to configure the native resolver to use the nameserver at when resolving .test domains. This is done by creating a file at /etc/resolver/test with the contents:


You can run the following script do this automatically:

sudo mkdir -p /etc/resolver
echo 'nameserver' | sudo tee -a /etc/resolver/test > /dev/null

KL runs this DNS server for you as one of the networking containers. See the Network Topology document for more information on the networking containers.

Now you can start the docker network and proxy containers:

kl network start


Linux doesn't have a completely standard way of handling DNS and so this setup will depend a bit on your particular setup. A very common/standard DNS resolver setup on Linux is systemd-resolved and so below is a guide on how to set get setup using this. If you don't use systemd-resolved then you will need to configure your system to route .test domains to however is appropriate for you.

Edit your /etc/systemd/resolved.conf file and add the following to the [Resolve] section:


This configures systemd-resolved to use the DNS server running at to resolve .test domains. KL runs this DNS server for you as one of the networking containers. See the Network Topology document for more information on the networking containers.

Apply the changes by restarting the systemd-resolved service

sudo systemctl restart systemd-resolved

Now you can start the docker network and proxy containers:

kl network start


On Linux the host DNS network container's port defaults to binding to 5343. If you would like to change this you can start the networking components with a different port by running kl network start --host-dns-port=<custom-port>. You will then also need to update your /etc/systemd/resolved.conf file to match.



The core idea behind KL is to enable identifying services with stable .test domains and then having a flexible means of swapping out which endpoint the domain routes traffic to. This is typically how we run our services in production environments, there is no reason not to do it locally too.

One of the main benefits that we draw from this is the significant simplification of service configuration. Services can be configured statically (committed to code/configuration) with the domains of other services they need to communicate with regardless of where those services are running or what their ip:port combinations are.

These domains are stable across all developers' machines and don't change when a developer needs to alter how or where they are running any particular service.

For an overview of the network topology constructed by kl head over to the Network Topology document.


While the benefits of the stable network addresses are significant it can also become quite tedious to run one's entire tech stack locally, especially when it consists of multiple individual services. Tools like docker-compose help a lot in this regard, but even that starts to become very unwieldy as the number of services grow and the rate at which they change increases.

Managing large docker-compose configurations and keeping them up-to-date with changes happening in upstream services does not scale well.

KL provides a mechanism of defining container configurations alongside the services they relate to (in their respective repositories) and composing them together on each developers' local machine. Because the configuration lives alongside the service it is simpler to keep in sync as changes are made to the service itself. Developers' can then use kl to pull down any upstream changes to run.


A module is the primary unit of configuration in kl and consists of containers, services, endpoints, and routes. A module can also contain submodules which should reference externally defined module configurations. Submodules are recursively resolved and merged into the root module.

A module is a directory located in ~/.config/kl/modules/ that must contain at least a file called module.(edn|json|yaml|yml). Here is an example of a module:

{:include ["config.toml"]

 :modules {:remote-module-name {:url "owner/repo"
                                :ref "<optional-ref>"
                                :sha "<optional-sha>"
                                :subdir "<optional/sub/directory>"}}

 :network {:services {:example {:endpoints {:container {:url "http://example:3000"}
                                            :host {:url "http://host.docker.internal:3000"}}
                                :default-endpoint :container}}
           :routes {:example-route {:host "example.test"
                                    :service :example}}}

 :containers {:example {:image "{{SHA_SHORT}}"
                        :volumes ["{{DIR}}/config.toml:/config.toml"]}}} 

Module Resolution

Any submodules defined in a module will be recursively resolved and deep-merged with its parent module. When there are module conflicts (more than one module with the same name) then they are resolved as follows:

  • If the conflict is in a child module, the parent will be used.
  • If there are no matching parent modules then the chosen module is essentially random - the first module to resolve will be used.

The module resolution is performed once and the result stored in a lockfile called module.lock.edn. This allows a developers' local dev-setup to be unaffected by any upstream changes by default until the developer decides to explicitly pull down upstream changes using kl module update. It is highly recommended to commit your local module.edn and module.lock.edn files to make it easy to roll back when upstream changes cause unintended effects.

Because module resolution is implemented as a full deep-merge, this allows developers to override locally any component of the fully resolved module. For example if a developer wants to swap out the container image being used for a particular container they can do so as follows:

{:modules {...}

 :containers {:example {:image "example-image:replaced-tag"}}}

Note how only the property being changed needed to be specified. This is assuming the container :example was already defined by one of the referenced submodules.

Variable Substitution

When a module is resolved kl will perform some basic variable substitution to allow for simple templating. Variables should be in the form {{VAR_NAME}} where VAR_NAME can be one of the following:

Variable | Description ---|--- SHA | The full git SHA that the module was resolved as SHA_SHORT | The short version of SHA - only the first 7 chars DIR | This is the local module directory on the host machine. This can be used for referencing config files that are included as part of the module.

Here is an example module that makes use of templating:

{:include ["config.toml"]

 :containers {:example {:image "{{SHA_SHORT}}"
                        :volumes ["{{DIR}}/config.toml:/config.toml"]}}}

Module Spec

See the Module Spec


A container is a docker-compose service snippet. It supports all the same fields and will be converted into a docker-compose file when run. When running containers with kl containers run you will be given a choice of which containers to start. If any containers that were running are deselected, they will be stopped.


A service is a stable container around a set of endpoints. A service is configured with a :default-endpoint to which all traffic will be routed to by default. Services are generally referenced to by routes. This configuration allows swapping which endpoint a service is routing to without having to reconfigure individual routes.


An endpoint is defined as part of a service and represent some process/service running somewhere that is reachable over HTTP or any scheme supported by Traefik. This can be a container, a process on the host machine or some remote service in the cloud.

An important detail to keep in mind is that endpoints are always resolved from the context of the proxy container which is running inside the docker network. This means that any endpoint URL's need to be reachable from the proxy container/docker network. This also means that localhost or does not address the host.

Below are some common ways of addressing services running in different contexts:

  • A container called example with a port 8080 defined in the module could be addressed as
    • http://example:8080
    • http://<container-ip>:8080
  • A process running on the host and bound to port 8080 could be addressed as
    • On macOS and Linux* - http://host.docker.internal:8080
    • On Linux -


On Linux* docker does not configure the host.docker.internal domain which is typically only available on macOS when using something like Docker Desktop.

To allow for a consistent way of addressing the host that works across all operating systems' kl manually adds the host.docker.internal: host to the proxy container.

If you don't want this behaviour you can disable it by running kl network start --add-host "host.docker.internal:" (note the empty ip after the ':').


A route is an HTTP routing rule made up of a combination of host and prefix. A route points to a service and will route to whichever default-endpoint is configured on the service. A route may also specify a specific endpoint on the service to route through which would override the default endpoint configured on the service.

CLI Prompts

KL has built-in support for fzf and gum for prompt interfaces and selections. If these programs are installed and on your PATH then they will automatically be used. Alternatively kl will fall back to using a native prompt implementation if neither gum nor fzf can be found.

For a better prompt experience it is highly recommended to have these programs installed on your PATH.


Why does the host dnsmasq container bind a different port on macOS vs Linux?

On macOS there is no way to specify the port to use when configuring the system resolver via the /etc/resolver/test path. Therefore, we need to use port 53.

On Linux there is typically already some DNS components binding port 53, and so we default to using a different, non-standard port - 5343.