Starting with publicly available King County and City of Seattle's Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) status data publicly from the web, then join this data to a CSV table that contains longitude/latitude coordinates. Export the joined data as text in the geojson format, and post the data to GitHub. The data can be viewed on a basemap directly on GitHub. Additionaly the geojson file is made available using GitHub GH-Pages functionality to be consumed by JavaScript based web pages.
Provide a web map that displays the real-time status of King County and City of Seattle's CSO sites.
Data Resources:
cso_coord.csv - A file located in this respository that contains a WGS84 coordinate pair, a site name, and a DSN for each of the CSO sites. - publicly available data that contains a status condition and name for each of the CSO sites (King County and City of Seattle).
Lookup tables for tatus conditions (currently hard coded in python script)
1 = Red, CSO discharging now Hex code = #DC143C
2 = Yellow, CSO discharged in last 48 hrs Hex code = #FFD700
3 = Green, CSO not discharging Hex code = #00CD00
4 = Blue, Real time data not available Hex code = #0000EE
Created CSO name and location in WGS84 coordinate with longitude and latitude
Join these two tables into one table, create dictionary table in python
Convert this table into geoJSON format and add style according to it's status value
Push this table into GitHub data_display repositiory:
Code Files: = main program that accomplishes the workflow described above.
Future Developments:
Remove marker style attributes from GeoJSON to allow formatting to be separated from the data and be coded in JavaScript on the final web map.
Consider moving output data into this repository rather than outputting to separate repository. Considering costs and benefits.