- Requires magento version at least:
- Tested and working upto
Magento 2.4.0
- Create the following folder structure inside "app" folder and copy all the files "Fourwallsinn/Khalti"
- After you have copied all the files the folder structure should be like this "app/code/Fourwallsinn/Khalti/UPLOADED_FILES"
- Enable Khalti Module
php bin/magento module:enable --clear-static-content Fourwallsinn_Khalti
- Run Setup Upgrade
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
- Run DI Compilation to generate classes
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
- If you are on Production Environment, make sure you run the following command as well
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
- Finally Flush the Cache
php bin/magento cache:flush